Thursday, July 30, 2009

How do you deal with having a 2 year old and a newborn while recovering from a c-section?

I'm very concerned how I'm going to handle my 2 year old after having a c-section. I will have some family help, but I'm a stay at home mom so I know there will be times when it's all me. Can anyone give my some encouraging words or advice? I'm very nervous.

How do you deal with having a 2 year old and a newborn while recovering from a c-section?
Get as much help as you can. When your baby is sleeping try to play with your 2 year old so your child doesn't feel like the baby is taking over everything. Also have your child help you by getting you things like diapers and wipes or a spit up cloth. Make your child feel needed.

If your child is still in a crib then I suggest trying to show your child how to climb in the crib carefully since you will not be able to lift your child in and out. What I did Was I held onto my daughter while she tried to climb in that way I could guide her as well as to make sure she was safe. I however never let her climb out of the crib because I didn't want her to know how to do that for safety reasons. For taking her out of the crib I did lift her very gently and then let her slide down my leg so it wasn't so Painful or too much wieght for me.

Also try to get as much sleep as you can. Don't worry about doing all the housework until you are 100% better. If the house isn't tidy for your house guest then they will just have to either do it for you or understand that you can't do it right now.

Everything will be fine. Just try to stay calm and things will work out for the best.

Congratulations with your upcoming arrival and Good Luck!!!
Reply:How well does your husband know your routine? Start teaching him everything! Can he prepare dinner a couple of nights a week, can he bathe the 2 year old, can he read to her, and tuck her in bed? See if you can give him some tasks to do w/ the two year old while you heal and adjust to the newborn. Or, hand over the newborn to him when he comes home from work and spend some one on one time w/ the 2 year old. Prior to delivery, purchase some inexpensive gifts for the 2 year old...few new books, crayons, play doh, puzzles, etc. Or, go all out and get a train or activity table (great one by Step 2). You can feed the newborn while the 2 year old plays.

Be sure to take your pain medication. If you're concerned that it will make you too loopy, only take half a dose (one pill instead of 2). This will take the edge off and you'll be able to fully function.

Best wishes ;)
Reply:Mine are 16 months apart, and both were c-sections. I tell you my quick story not to make you more nervous, but to encourage you to get HELP when you need it! I ended up with a double hernia, and although everyone's body is different and this might have happened to me regardless, I'm sure part of it is because I'm a big "do it yourselfer."

I lifted and carried my toddler way too much and way too soon after my c-section. So here is my advice: get a good, steady, wide double-step stool and teach your toddler how to climb into his/her crib, wash their hands in the sink, climb in the tub, and anything else you hold them up to do right now.

I was still "wearing" my oldest alot and carrying her around on my hip alot - so if you're doing much of that with your two year-old still - you might want to start "weaning" from it ahead of time.

My only other tip is for potty training - I would have my baby play in the tub (no water) with toys, in his boppy, etc. while I spent all those LONG minutes reading to my toddler on the toilet. The baby gets to enjoy your voice and the reading while the older one decides whether to poop for you, or not ;-)

Hope my babble helps! Most of all ENJOY them both at each and every precious stage.
Reply:I have 2 girls who are 17 months apart. I'm a stay at home mom, also. When my second was born, my fiance and I took the girls, and stayed with my grandmother for a couple of weeks. If you can't go stay with someone, or have someone come stay with you for a couple of weeks at least, take ALL the help you can get. Even if it's just your neighbor coming by to make sure the toddler isn't head-first in a trash can, or something!

Also, kid-proof your house as best as you can! If you're planning on hanging out in your bedroom, make the room as kid-friendly as possible. Keep stuff for her to do, like books, colors, quiet toys. Maybe try camping out in the living room, where she has more play-area.

Also, don't be afraid to call on someone when you need help. If you're feeling overwhelmed, call your husband and let him know that you're nearing your wit's end. Even if he can't come home, he'll be warned for when he gets home, and the house is a disaster, and you're all crying. Call your mom. Even if she can't come over and help, she can tell you it'll all be okay, and give you ideas of things to help you through it.

If you can get them both to nap at the same time, SLEEP WITH THEM! At least until you're feeling better. When you feel better, then you can start doing little things around the house while they sleep.

It WILL be crazy, and it does take some adjusting, but you'll get the hang of it soon enough. You'll find a routine that works for you, and in a couple of months, the baby will be old enough for tummy time, and to play with the toddler, and you'll be able to get things done without worrying about them. Mine are 6 months and 23 months, now, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

Congrats and good luck!!
Reply:my daughter was 12 months old when i had my son (c section). it helped to have help in the first week or so. it was ruff in the begining but i adapted and got through it. my advice to you is try to line up as much support as you can for right after you have the baby and remember- it gets easier.
Reply:First thing, ASAP get up and walk around the hospital after your c section. It will make a big difference in terms of recovery time. Also, maybe your two year old could stay with someone else for a few days or maybe someone could stay with you for at least a week. Also, take your pain meds. They will help tremendously. After a couple of weeks you should be back to normal.
Reply:get some stuff that will keep your 2 year old busy such as books or movies and by the time your 2 year old gets tired of that you should be used to it

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