Friday, July 31, 2009

Best way to install a window a/c unit?

As an electrician, I've installed pad mounted a/c's, rooftop residential and commercial a/c's, NEVER have installed a window unit. Anyone know how to properly do this? It's freckin HOT %26amp; HUMID in the house I'm renting from a slumlord (nice house and neighborhood, IMPOSSIBLE to get him to fix anything) in California (So Cal). Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Best way to install a window a/c unit?
It's really simple. Small ones just pop into the window, you pull the window down, put the brackets undermeath it so that it's supported on the outside against the wall or window sill with about 1/4 inch slant down so it drains and pull the slider thingies to each side and you're done. I drill a hole in the top side of the botttom window and put a nail through so that someone cannot just push the window up. I also cut the packing foam and put it behind the side slider thingies so that the hot air can't get in there. You're supposed to put a long thin piece of foam underneath the a/c to stop air flow and I put another one between the top of the bottom part of the window and the top window pane. If you don't get the slider thingies, you will have to cut plywood or whatever is necessary to fill in the sides. You can also put 2x4's or whatever is necessary for support in the back. I try to anchor the heck out of everything so that they are not easy to get out and burglers get in. I guess someone tried to push one of mine in and when they couldn't get it pushed in, they stabbed the a/c and watched all the freon come out. I had a friend repair it and he puts in red dye with the freon so it's easy to spot the next would be thief. Lots of luck. You can also go online and get instructions for the proper installation of your unit from the maker.
Reply:Give "just wondrerin" the 10 points that is exactly what you should do, it makes sense for a slum lord property.
Reply:Buy a portable and place in front of window.
Reply:I would suggest that if you really are renting from a slumlord that is a jerk, anything that you install (even a window banger) becomes part of the property, and he can hold you to it. I would suggest that you consider a portable A/C unit. It can be moved from room to room and you only need to "install" a place for the exhaust hose to go to the outside. They look like an R2D2 droid as far as size goes and they work very well.
Reply:I am Specialist in this sphere.

E'Mail to me!

Thank you
Reply:First - Open the window.

Second - ...hold on my phone is ringing. I gotta take this.

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