Monday, May 24, 2010

Is it possible for the placenta to heal in the scar tissue of a previous c-section?

Im not sure if that is possible but I was talking to someone and they said that c-sections are risky (which I already know) and if the placenta gets cut during a c-section I could bleed severly and I would need a historectomy. This would be my third c-section and I am a bit nervous about it. So I asked why would the placenta get cut, would that mean they did soemthing wrong, and they just replied "no" it just means that the placenta has healed with the scar tissue which is what makes it possible to have succesful c-sections. Does anyone know about this kind of thing and could give me some more of an explaination?

Is it possible for the placenta to heal in the scar tissue of a previous c-section?
When the placenta grows into the scar it can cause a condition called:

Placenta Accreta

However if a placenta is cut during a c-section then yes it is in fact medical malpractice as they are supposed to do an ultrasound and otherwise be sure of the position of the placenta AND the baby before cutting. However I know cutting the baby is a relatively common complication of c-sections.

If your placenta is over the scar they would cut elsewhere, not over the old scar. However if you have placenta acceta it can be very complicated to remove the placenta c-section or no.

My very, very best advice to you is no matter what you decide PLEASE switch doctors this one doesn't sound like (s)he gives a damn about you. If (s)he doesn't ANSWER all your questions not only is that dangerous, it is grounds for them to loose their licence. There is no consent except for INFORMED concent.

I strongly recommend looking into a VBAC, but either way PLEASE, PLEASE find a doctor that respects and works with YOU.
Reply:First of all, your placenta is expelled when you give birth so it's not like it stays inside of you and would even be possible for it to heal into your scar. Each placenta with each baby is a new one inside of your uterus. Hopefully that puts your mind at ease.

When the fetus is delivered, the placenta is delivered afterwards (and for this reason is often called the afterbirth). After delivery of the fetus the umbilical cord is usually clamped and severed prior to the delivery of the placenta or may be left attached to fall off naturally which is referred to as a Lotus Birth. The placenta is delivered mainly by uterine contractions, but the umbilical cord can be gently pulled while pressure is placed on the abdomen, to speed its delivery. Usually the placenta delivers in 2-10 minutes after delivery of the fetus, but it is considered normal as long as the placenta delivers within 30 minutes. If the placenta fails to deliver in 30 minutes, manual extraction may be required, and in some cases a curettage is necessary to ensure that no remnants of the placenta remain. Risks of retained placenta include hemorrhage and infection.

Im not sure, but I think this article is pretty much means that it cant happen.
Reply:Yes if your placenta is covering you scar from privious c-section that would mean that you have a low lying placenta. I had placenta preavia grade 4 which is the worst kind my placenta completely covered my cervix. i was bid riddin for one month then spent the remaining 3 months of my pregnancy in hospital i had many bleeds . I had a c-section and they had to cut through my placenta to get my son out, i did loose 5 litres of blood but they manage to stop the bleeding so they didn/t take my uterus out. So if your placenta is low its possible that they will have to cut through it, they do prefer not to but if its the only way they will . It is not your fault its just one of those things that happen. Your placenta could move up with the pregnancy and it might not be a problem try to be positive goodluck take care...

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