Sunday, August 2, 2009

How can I be sure my doctor will not tie my tubes during my c section?

This may sound paranoid but I have read stories where women did not consent to tubal ligation and found out later that this procedure was forced on them during a c section. Is there anyway I would know that this was done to me?

How can I be sure my doctor will not tie my tubes during my c section?
If a doctor did this, he would be sued, and he would lose his license. It would not make any sense. You could try delivering in a Baptist hospital like me.... I had to sign a consent for 3 months in advance, see a counselor, sign another consent form when I went into labor.... and then they still didn't even want to do the tubal ligation (I guess sterilization is against their beliefs).
Reply:Are you in the United States?

I personally wouldn't worry about it - if you are, find another doctor you can trust. Or a better preventative measure would be to have natural childbirth and forget the c-section. (It's not as bad as women think - I've done it, with and WITHOUT drugs!)

But as much as doctors are sued, and how much it costs for the to have malpractice insurance, I doubt they would intentionally do that to you. Because they could be sued for millions, lose their license, their work and their life.

I don't know of a single doctor who would risk that to give a woman a tubal ligation.
Reply:You have to be informed about a procedure and then give written consent for it to be performed. The doctor typically provides the information, you sign the consent and the nurse witnesses that the patient was well informed. Without this informed consent no surgery should take place - that would be not only unethical but illegal.

To do a tubal ligation (tie tubes) more than the doctor would have to be involved. The nurse would need to put the tubes in containers for pathology, the scrub tech would need to prep the OR for the tubal, etc. If you are worried about this, you can pay attention to what is being said and done during your c-section. The doctor or the scrub tech will say they have the left tube and the nurse comes and collects it, and then again for the right. It's not something they can do in secret without you knowing unless you are asleep for the procedure.

Hope this helps.
Reply:In America, a surgeon can perform a surgery without your consent if three things are in place: 1-your life is in present danger and you are unconscious/unable to give consent, 2-they have tried and failed to contact next of kin and #1 is still true, 3-informed consent has occurred.

Informed consent (i.e. patient has been given a reasonably complete list of possible consequences of surgery) should always take place prior to the surgery. It is at this time that you should make the surgeon/doctor aware that under no circumstances do you want your tubes tied. For legal protection, the hospital will probably require you to sign a form stating your wish. This will be honored as long as the above three conditions have been met. This is to protect the hospital and doctor from litigation in the event of your death.
Reply:just trust him
Reply:i don't think there is a way you can know if your doctor has done this to you or not when your laying there on that table. all you have to do is hope that you have a good doctor and make sure someone is there with you in the room. at some hospitals they let the person in there with you watch whats going on and in other hospitals they don't let you watch nothing and they make you sit behind the blind thing. i had a c section and i have faith in my doctor, and he told me that iam still Young and i need to have more kids,than just this one, so there for i know that he hasn't tide my tubes.(we i hope). good luck
Reply:it is illegal to tie your tubes without your consent any procedure you have you have to fill out a written consent. Why are you sooo paranoid??
Reply:he cannot perform a surgery without your consent otherwise he will be responsible and can be sued
Reply:A doctor can not preform any surgery on you without writen consent. Period.

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