Can anybody tell me any details of a c-section. This is when a mother is awake kind. Mothers thoughts running through her mind once they starting cutting? Any fears? Does it take more than 1 week to start getting up and walking and doing things by yourself again?
How does a mother feel from start of C-section? Any memories of the surgery itself. How long 2 getting normal
i just had my 1st c section this is my 4th baby..
i was scared and didn't know what was going to happen or what to expect. i remember everything.
it was may 7th 2007 about 6am got to the hosptail, got hook up to iv, they put me a monatior for a bit..then they took me back got me spinal block and hook up to different crap. tied my hands down (which i didn't like) put the drape up, finally got my husband in with the video camera, i didn't feel anything until the block wear off, i was thinking of what the baby was going to look like, my husband and doc was talking to me the whole time. then i felt a lot of pressure and then heard his cry, once i seen him nothing else mattered..
now he is 3 weeks old and breast fed doing good.. afterwares i got baby blues depression but it is getting a lot better i got also got up and was doing things the 3rd day on my own..
Reply:my daughther will be 3 years old soon and I had a csection. I was put to sleep but I did great after surgery , no pain medication need it and was able to shower and walk slowly on my own next day. Is pretty personal what you can do or capable of doing. I recomend don't think that you are a baby too and try your best to be strong. it helps alot. Good luck I am going for my other c section on 8/24/07 great
Reply:I did not feel any pain during the procedure.
I was thinking about the baby and listening to the music that was playing.
My biggest fear was before they did the epidural. I was afraid I might have complication that could cause paralysis.
I was walking the next day and I left 2 days later. The greatest challenge I faced was that I was running temprature so, my midwife\doctor prescribed IV antibiotics. Nursing was a bit challenging with an IV in my arm.
I felt like my old self 3-4 days later.
I will have another one when I have my next one.
Reply:I had a horrible experience, since it was an emergency c-section after 32 hours of labor. I had general anestesia and to top it off I had a vertical insicion. It took me 2 weeks to get up and start walking.
Reply:hi i had one a little over 4 years ago. and i still remember it. i was petrified. mine was an emergency.i remember laying there looking up at my husband and telling him that i was afraid i would die or that our son would die. mine was over very fast once my son was born i was put out so they could fix my bladder and close up. took an hour or so total. they will have you up and walking the same night most likely i was kept in bed for a full 24 hours because of the second surgery that i needed. they get you up very soon after to get you moving again. the sooner the better. it will hurt but walk as much as you can. i was cooking my own meals two days after i came home. i was in for 6 days from the start of labor and delivery. precautions due to complications it takes about 2 months or longer to get back to feeling like your old self
Reply:I remember tons from my c-section. I was awake and the only thing I felt was my midwife pushing on my stomach to get my son to move toward the opening. The scariest part was the epideral cause I had to sit still slouched forward which was hard to do being almost 41 weeks pregnant with an 8 pound baby. I got up and walked the day after my surgery. I was sore but I felt better after the staples were removed. Just take it easy, usually don't lift anything heavier than the baby till your 6 week checkup to make sure you don't inflame your incision. The thoughts I had running thru my head while they were cutting was can't they hurry this up, I just want to see my son! It's been two years and you can't even see my scar unless I point it out.
Reply:i had to have a c section due to double breech twins.
i remember being wheeled into the operating room, i had to roll into a ball (ha try that at 7 1/2 months pregnant with twins) so they could put in the spinal tap. then they were laughing and poking my toes asking if i could feel it. then they turned the music up really loud and were dancing around, while covering me with warm blankets, they tied my arms out to the side. then they turned the music off, and cut me open and took the babies out.
up side, it didn't hurt during the surgery. down side was i was not allowed to hold my babies, they were taken straight to NICU and i was wheeled into a special care room for 3 hours for the spinal tap to wear off.
in the end my ulnar nerve ended up compressed because of the lack of padding when they tied my arms down and i had to have surgery to fix that.
i was able to walk to the NICU alone, but was out of energy to come back to my room. also i ended up with a really bad dry cough.
and the worst part was leaving the hospital without my babies (but they were 6 weeks early)
Reply:i don't remember much about the procedure as it was an emergency.. but i can tell you that i found it better when i got up and moved around more.. they had me outta bed the next day at the hospital.. and i continued to move around alot.... the pain was more at ease this way...good luck!!!
Reply:Mine was an emergency, so the only thing I was thinking about at the time was my baby.
It was rough at first, but I started feeling ok after a week and completely healed after 51/2 weeks. It's different for everyone.
Reply:I was terrified when the Doc told me I needed a c-section. It does NOT hurt at all. All you feel is a pulling feel that does not hurt. I was back to myself in about a week. They had me walking around the next day, not even 24 hours later. If this helps, I can't wait to get pregnant again, and yes I will be having another c-section.
Reply:I just had a C-section 3 weeks ago. mine was an emergency after 18 hrs of labor. i did throw up during it. the spinal made my chest felt very heavy and thought i wasn't breathing well. but i kept tell the nurses what i was feeling and they reassured me everything was OK. the doctors tell you when your going to feel the pressure and when the baby is coming out. once i saw her. i forgot all about the surgery and just keep my eyes on her until they took me out. the next day they got me out of bed and walked around. the pain medication helps out a lot with moving around. i stayed in the hospital for 4 days and it was worth it. it took about a full week to be able to do things on my own well. make sure you have someone with you for that first week.
Reply:Ok....ok let me tell you
I had a c-section 14 1/2 months ago....once you are laying there..after the spinal block..they poke you w/ a needle to see how numb you are..then they start cutting, I was so afraid i would feel it and the dr was like i am already cutting...then the dr will tell you that you will feel a lot of pressure and you do...thats when they are pulling the baby is a ton of pressure then you see your child and then i thought my numbing was wearing off so the anesthesiologist put a shot thru my iv and i was ok...then they put you back together after they get the placenta out...I was able to give my son a kiss before they took him to the nursery..then they take you to a recovery room and a i had a iv w/ morphine in it that was on a 6 min would only let me push the button every 6 min..the nurse comes in and pushes on your tummy right around the incesion...IT HURTS SO BAD...that was the most painful part..they do that for 24 hrs b/c unlike a vaginal which pushes the blood out a c-section pushing just helps the blood flow get going..then after a few hrs in recovery they take you to your room and you are in pain...they finally brought my baby to me and i held him for a min..but it hurt way too much and i was kinda drowsy nurse had me walking the next day..not a lot but walking helps the healing so you have to do it as soon as possible...I went in on thrusday and went home sunday and i was still in pain moving around and stuff but you can pretty much do everything your baby just cant lift a lot or drive for a will be suprised by how much you actually use your ab muscles...I still have numb spots along my scar, but that is normal b/c they cut thru you nerves and stuff....Good Luck...if you have any more questions about it just email me!!
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