If I turn my central A/C off and leave for the day, and turn it back on when I get home, does that increase wattage and $$? Or would it be cheaper to just leave it on? I have a two bedroom condo.
Does my electric bill go up if the a/c is turned off and on?
In spite of all the complicated reasoning one way or the other in the other answers, there is a basic physical law that is inviolate: the Conservation of Energy. In your situation, it means that the more energy in the form of heat that you remove from your condo, the more energy in the form of electricity is consumed by the air conditioner.
Shutting the air conditioning off during the day will save electricity. When you get home, though, the air conditioner will have to run a while longer to get the temperature back down to a comfortable range. For this reason you might want a programmable thermostat that will turn on the air an hour before you get home. In either case you'll save electricity compared to leaving the air running all day long.
Reply:In high humidity days it is best to leave on. If you don't have a programmable thermostat this is the time to buy one at Home Depot or Lowes.
Program the AC to allow a higher temperature, maybe 5 degrees warmer, when you are away. Then program to lower the temp an hour before you get home. If the AC is off all day then the interior of you home will absorb moisture. This includes everything inside the home.
So, the trick is to keep the humidity as stable (and low) as possible during the summer months. The main function of an AC is to lower Humidity and not to merely cool the air.
Reply:Facts affecting Air Conditioning (AC) Power Use
· Heat loss or gain is directly proportional to the square of the difference in temperature on two sides of the material be it a wall or window
· So, if the temperature difference is 20 degrees, say 72 inside and 92 outside, it will transfer 4 times as much heat compared to a 10 degree temperature difference.
· If you turn off the AC or set the thermostat to a higher temperature, the temperature difference will be reduced saving power, fuel and money.
· The down side to this approach is that when you come home and the house is hot, it will take a while for the AC to catch up and you may be uncomfortable during that time.
· A fix to the wait for the AC to cool things off is a programmable thermostat, available at home centers, that will raise the set point and then lower it again at times you program in so it can increase the temp soon after you leave for work and bring it back down say a half hour before you normally get home.
· Take into consideration pets, plants and other things that may be sensitive to high temperatures. 78 degrees should not hurt anything though.
Reply:In a two-bedroom condo, its better just to set the thermostat back a bit when you are not there. If you live in a high humidity area, turning your air all the way off will encourage mold and mildew in your carpets and bathroom. In a large house the airconditioner would have to run for a long time without shutting off to cool a house down after being off all day on a hot day, to the point where it might wind up costing more.
Reply:bill goes up when its on, bill stays the same when off....whats to figure? all these theories about leaving it on all day are worthless... been doing this for over 30 years...just keep your shades and windows shut when out
Reply:The issue you are fighting is the thermal mass.. If you turn it off and you live in a hot area, the ac has to work harder and longer to cool everything back down so you spend more money and more wear and tear.
If you live in a more temperate climate, turning it off is not as big an issue.
The best thing to do (and this requires some experimentation on your part) is to get a programmable thermostat and have it cut the cooling back to let it get say 5-7 degrees warmer than you like during the day and then have it kick back up about 30 mins before you get home in the evening.
The key is finding the right mix and that will be specific to your coolness desire, the house insulation and the region you live in.
Note this can be done with heating in the winter and works well if done at night while you are snuggled in the blankets.. have the heat drop 30 mins after bed time and ramp up 30 mins before time to get up..
garden design
Sunday, August 2, 2009
How many goals will C. Ronaldo make in the premier league not including the finals(playoffs)?
now lets be reasonable, i remind people that dont like c. ronaldo, there is no such thing as negative goals, so dont put anything lower than 28. i remind people that are big fans of C. Ronaldo not to put something huge because there are only 3 games left.
How many goals will C. Ronaldo make in the premier league not including the finals(playoffs)?
he will prob hit 40+
How many goals will C. Ronaldo make in the premier league not including the finals(playoffs)?
he will prob hit 40+
Where is the low pressure valve for the a/c on a 1998 Ford Explorer Sport?
I managed to find two valves. The first valve was in the front side closer to the bumper. However, the recharge hose wouldn't fit. On the other hand, when I attached the recharge hose to the nozzle in the back on the passenger side, the pressure readings kept oscillating back and forth between low and high.
Just to note, I had turned on the engine and turned on the cooler to Max A/C like the directions on the can told me.
Where is the low pressure valve for the a/c on a 1998 Ford Explorer Sport?
AC should not be charged or repaired by people that are not trained.
How do you know that you need a charge any way?
Do you know the exact amount to add?
The valve that it hooked up to is the "Low Pressure" service port and you seem to have a problem.
If you do not want to be hurt by this, get it done by a Pro.
Reply:Your low side is always the larger hose
Reply:You found the right fitting. 134A uses quick disconnect and they are different size for high and low. Always have engine running as pressure can be over 100 psi when not running. Connect as directions tell you and hold canister according to directions, probably upright to get gas chsrge. Open the valve slowly and keep the pressure below 50 psi. The oscillating should stop and continue adding refrigerant till pressure drops to about 30 psi all done
Reply:The low pressure is the smaller connector, the only one the cans you buy will connect to. The low pressure side is the side that gets cold, the high pressure gets hot.
Reply:the high side and low side are different sizes. the high side is for pressure and the low side, which u referred to be on the passenger side, is the part where u put in the freon.
Just to note, I had turned on the engine and turned on the cooler to Max A/C like the directions on the can told me.
Where is the low pressure valve for the a/c on a 1998 Ford Explorer Sport?
AC should not be charged or repaired by people that are not trained.
How do you know that you need a charge any way?
Do you know the exact amount to add?
The valve that it hooked up to is the "Low Pressure" service port and you seem to have a problem.
If you do not want to be hurt by this, get it done by a Pro.
Reply:Your low side is always the larger hose
Reply:You found the right fitting. 134A uses quick disconnect and they are different size for high and low. Always have engine running as pressure can be over 100 psi when not running. Connect as directions tell you and hold canister according to directions, probably upright to get gas chsrge. Open the valve slowly and keep the pressure below 50 psi. The oscillating should stop and continue adding refrigerant till pressure drops to about 30 psi all done
Reply:The low pressure is the smaller connector, the only one the cans you buy will connect to. The low pressure side is the side that gets cold, the high pressure gets hot.
Reply:the high side and low side are different sizes. the high side is for pressure and the low side, which u referred to be on the passenger side, is the part where u put in the freon.
How long do you usually stay in hospital after c-section?
I may have to have c-section due to complication during first birth, just wondering how long you have to stay in hospital - I come from Scotland - probably different in other areas???
How long do you usually stay in hospital after c-section?
If it is a straighforward op (which the vast majority are) and you feel well enough then you should be out in 4-5 days. Just remember though to take it easy when you get home and don't overdo things...you still need a few weeks to recover properly.
Hope all goes well for you :-)
Reply:In Scotland too, had two c-sections first one (Forth Park) I had to stay in for 4 days but that was only because I bumped one of my staples on the crib and opened my wound. Second time (Ninewells) I was in and out again within 48 hrs, and boy was I glad. I can't stand hospitals, you don't get any rest as there are always babies crying, phones ringing and nurses doing rounds.
Reply:i had to stay in the hospital for 4 days and they said if i feel i need to stay for an extra day i couldve but i said no i want to go home on the 4th day. but im in the usa, i dont know if its any different from where you are, good luck and congrats
Reply:I had my son by c section almost 5 years ago in scotland. I was told I'd be in for 4-5 days but I went home the day after. I think it depends on how you feel and if you have someone to take care of you at home. Providing there are no complications you shouldn't be in for very long.
Plus I made a fuss about going home lol I hate hospitals!!
Reply:hi im in scotland and 8 years ago i had a c-section and had to stay in 4-5 days, my friend had one recently and only stayed in 48 hrs which i was shocked at but thats supposedly how long they keep you in for now x
Reply:It varies I was in for a week, bit could be a bit less in other areas
Reply:I stayed for two nights...then I asked to go home and they signed me out. They suggested I stay for 4 or 5 but I hate hospitals and felt ok...also, there is FAR more risk of infection in a hospital than at home.
Reply:Normally about 5 day's to a week but if you feel ready to go home sooner and have family to help you. I had a c section with my daughter and i could not stand up straight so id say when ever you feel ready to go home i went home to soon after 3 day's wish id stayed in hospital longer take advantage of being in hospital because it is hard work after a c section.
Reply:Four days to a week here (Worcestershire) depending on the healing of the wound.
Reply:With both of my c-sections I was in the hospital for 3 nights and 4 days. Its not so bad. Request a private room if you can because it will be easier to try and get around when you are alone and no one watching you. If you feel that you need to stay longer I am sure the doctors will let you or if you want to leave earlier than the time they are saying as long as you are healing well and you are able to walk around comfortably you should be fine to leave. Ask your doctor for their recommendations on the stay to get an accurate time. I'm in the USA so things may be different there.
Good Luck!!
Any other questions about your c-section or anything feel free to email me.
Reply:hi i had my little girl on the tuesday and i come home on the friday
Reply:I had to stay 5 days for both of my c-sections.
How long do you usually stay in hospital after c-section?
If it is a straighforward op (which the vast majority are) and you feel well enough then you should be out in 4-5 days. Just remember though to take it easy when you get home and don't overdo things...you still need a few weeks to recover properly.
Hope all goes well for you :-)
Reply:In Scotland too, had two c-sections first one (Forth Park) I had to stay in for 4 days but that was only because I bumped one of my staples on the crib and opened my wound. Second time (Ninewells) I was in and out again within 48 hrs, and boy was I glad. I can't stand hospitals, you don't get any rest as there are always babies crying, phones ringing and nurses doing rounds.
Reply:i had to stay in the hospital for 4 days and they said if i feel i need to stay for an extra day i couldve but i said no i want to go home on the 4th day. but im in the usa, i dont know if its any different from where you are, good luck and congrats
Reply:I had my son by c section almost 5 years ago in scotland. I was told I'd be in for 4-5 days but I went home the day after. I think it depends on how you feel and if you have someone to take care of you at home. Providing there are no complications you shouldn't be in for very long.
Plus I made a fuss about going home lol I hate hospitals!!
Reply:hi im in scotland and 8 years ago i had a c-section and had to stay in 4-5 days, my friend had one recently and only stayed in 48 hrs which i was shocked at but thats supposedly how long they keep you in for now x
Reply:It varies I was in for a week, bit could be a bit less in other areas
Reply:I stayed for two nights...then I asked to go home and they signed me out. They suggested I stay for 4 or 5 but I hate hospitals and felt ok...also, there is FAR more risk of infection in a hospital than at home.
Reply:Normally about 5 day's to a week but if you feel ready to go home sooner and have family to help you. I had a c section with my daughter and i could not stand up straight so id say when ever you feel ready to go home i went home to soon after 3 day's wish id stayed in hospital longer take advantage of being in hospital because it is hard work after a c section.
Reply:Four days to a week here (Worcestershire) depending on the healing of the wound.
Reply:With both of my c-sections I was in the hospital for 3 nights and 4 days. Its not so bad. Request a private room if you can because it will be easier to try and get around when you are alone and no one watching you. If you feel that you need to stay longer I am sure the doctors will let you or if you want to leave earlier than the time they are saying as long as you are healing well and you are able to walk around comfortably you should be fine to leave. Ask your doctor for their recommendations on the stay to get an accurate time. I'm in the USA so things may be different there.
Good Luck!!
Any other questions about your c-section or anything feel free to email me.
Reply:hi i had my little girl on the tuesday and i come home on the friday
Reply:I had to stay 5 days for both of my c-sections.
Why does my 98 Neon SOHC with an automatic trans start to stumble on acceleration when I turn on the A/C?
It's the strangest thing. When the A/C is off, the car runs great. Even though it is underpowered, when I accelerate, it does so smoothly with no hesitation. No problems. However, when I turn on the A/C, it stumbles a lot when I accelerate, like it's misfiring. It has brand-new spark plug wires and plugs, and a new air filter. I get no check-engine light like I did when the spark plug wires went bad. It's driving me nuts. Any ideas?
Why does my 98 Neon SOHC with an automatic trans start to stumble on acceleration when I turn on the A/C?
I assume what you are describing is the sudden engine load caused by the engagement of the A/C compressor clutch . All my Neons, except my SRT-4, do that in hot weather. Even driving down the street you can feel the compressor cycling off and on. This experience could easily lead to the erroneous perception that the engine is missing. This is true on both automatics and manuals. Since I do not know how pronounced your problem is, it could be that your PCM is not adjusting the engine operation to compensate for the extra compressor load.
Reply:What kind of plugs do you have in it? Neons do not run well on platinum plugs. NGK's and Bosch supers work the best. If you still have the problem, It could be that the a/c system is overcharged. Do you have any codes?
Reply:why dont you go ask a neon forum
id start by searching in here for your problem
i got you started now you gotta do the work
flower pictures
Why does my 98 Neon SOHC with an automatic trans start to stumble on acceleration when I turn on the A/C?
I assume what you are describing is the sudden engine load caused by the engagement of the A/C compressor clutch . All my Neons, except my SRT-4, do that in hot weather. Even driving down the street you can feel the compressor cycling off and on. This experience could easily lead to the erroneous perception that the engine is missing. This is true on both automatics and manuals. Since I do not know how pronounced your problem is, it could be that your PCM is not adjusting the engine operation to compensate for the extra compressor load.
Reply:What kind of plugs do you have in it? Neons do not run well on platinum plugs. NGK's and Bosch supers work the best. If you still have the problem, It could be that the a/c system is overcharged. Do you have any codes?
Reply:why dont you go ask a neon forum
id start by searching in here for your problem
i got you started now you gotta do the work
flower pictures
What will electricity bill be with 3 window a/c units?
i am thinking about renting a 2 bedroom house with 3 window a/c units instead of central air.
i live on the SE texas coast so i can get very hot here like 90-98 degrees everyday.
the landlord says they are efficient window units.
has any one lived in this type of climate with window units as main way to cool home? will electric bill be insane or about the same as central?
What will electricity bill be with 3 window a/c units?
Definetly NOT the same as central. Sorry to be the barer of bad news.
I live in a 2000 sq ft home %26amp; my electric bill last month was $88.00.
When I lived in a 600sq ft apartment (2 yrs old complex) my bill was always over $200!!
It all depends on how old the house is and if it's been energy efficient .... weathering strips,cracks repaired, etc.
As well as the quality of the unit.. in this case the window unit.
you're looking at a very high electric bill.
Try staying out of the house as much as possible.. that'll avoid the AC usage!
good luck!
Austin TX here
Reply:Will be much more than central. My old house was small and had 2 units. My summer bill would be $300-$400 a month.
i live on the SE texas coast so i can get very hot here like 90-98 degrees everyday.
the landlord says they are efficient window units.
has any one lived in this type of climate with window units as main way to cool home? will electric bill be insane or about the same as central?
What will electricity bill be with 3 window a/c units?
Definetly NOT the same as central. Sorry to be the barer of bad news.
I live in a 2000 sq ft home %26amp; my electric bill last month was $88.00.
When I lived in a 600sq ft apartment (2 yrs old complex) my bill was always over $200!!
It all depends on how old the house is and if it's been energy efficient .... weathering strips,cracks repaired, etc.
As well as the quality of the unit.. in this case the window unit.
you're looking at a very high electric bill.
Try staying out of the house as much as possible.. that'll avoid the AC usage!
good luck!
Austin TX here
Reply:Will be much more than central. My old house was small and had 2 units. My summer bill would be $300-$400 a month.
Would it be better to replace a motor or whole unit for central A/c?
A repair person is coming to check out the A/c tomorrow. Person on the phone said since we smelled something burned it may need a new motor. How do we know whether to replace motor or whole unit. A/C is cental A/C and about 15 years old maybe more.
Would it be better to replace a motor or whole unit for central A/c?
where did you smell the burning odor inside or outside....if inside, the fan motor or the transformer burnt up and it would cost less to replace the fan motor or transformer than the whole unit....if outside...the fan motor burnt up..you cant smell the compressor when it burns up, it is a sealed unit,....you could replace either fan motor inside or outside motor for less than 300 dollars.....if your unit was cooling good and is not in bad shape i would just replace the motor...especially if you have never had to add freon.....a new unit is going to be around 3000 to 4000 dollars...plus labor...
Reply:Well if you live within the US your state should offer some rebate or your local utilities company or both. Not only that you'll save significantly with an energy star unit.
Reply:If you do replace the whole unit, consider going with the new freon R410, I believe. You will have to replace the whole unit, inside and out, and replace the copper lines. The oil is not compatible with the new freon. It is suppose to be more efficient that the old R22 units. good luck.
Reply:Replacing the unit will probably save you some money on electric bills.
Reply:Depending on your finances... if a new unit is cost prohibitive right now, consider repairing what you have and asking your a/c repairman if he'll credit you for the repair amount if you replace your unit w/in the next 60-120 days or so.
Once the dead of summer is over %26amp; done with, you'll likely find prices on whole unit replacement and its associated labor costs will drop some, it being "off-season."
TX Griff
Reply:it's probly cheaper to buy a new a\c unit .depending on what this guy has found out.if he said you need a compresor.for get it.
Reply:!5 Yr.s, for an exterior unit, might mean it's near the end of its service life.
When the trouble shooting's done, get his evaluation of the overall condition of the unit, and estimates both ways.
Keep in mind that a new unit is llikely to be a bit more efficient, and energy costs are only going to rise.
Would it be better to replace a motor or whole unit for central A/c?
where did you smell the burning odor inside or outside....if inside, the fan motor or the transformer burnt up and it would cost less to replace the fan motor or transformer than the whole unit....if outside...the fan motor burnt up..you cant smell the compressor when it burns up, it is a sealed unit,....you could replace either fan motor inside or outside motor for less than 300 dollars.....if your unit was cooling good and is not in bad shape i would just replace the motor...especially if you have never had to add freon.....a new unit is going to be around 3000 to 4000 dollars...plus labor...
Reply:Well if you live within the US your state should offer some rebate or your local utilities company or both. Not only that you'll save significantly with an energy star unit.
Reply:If you do replace the whole unit, consider going with the new freon R410, I believe. You will have to replace the whole unit, inside and out, and replace the copper lines. The oil is not compatible with the new freon. It is suppose to be more efficient that the old R22 units. good luck.
Reply:Replacing the unit will probably save you some money on electric bills.
Reply:Depending on your finances... if a new unit is cost prohibitive right now, consider repairing what you have and asking your a/c repairman if he'll credit you for the repair amount if you replace your unit w/in the next 60-120 days or so.
Once the dead of summer is over %26amp; done with, you'll likely find prices on whole unit replacement and its associated labor costs will drop some, it being "off-season."
TX Griff
Reply:it's probly cheaper to buy a new a\c unit .depending on what this guy has found out.if he said you need a compresor.for get it.
Reply:!5 Yr.s, for an exterior unit, might mean it's near the end of its service life.
When the trouble shooting's done, get his evaluation of the overall condition of the unit, and estimates both ways.
Keep in mind that a new unit is llikely to be a bit more efficient, and energy costs are only going to rise.
Is it necessary to study for the pre-trip walk around inspection to obtain a class C CDL?
I want to work for Fed-Ex. I know that I have to study the "general knowledge" and "hazardous materials" sections of the manual, but should I waste time on the pre-trip inspection part? Is it necessary to know that part to obtain a Class C Commercial Driver's License?
Is it necessary to study for the pre-trip walk around inspection to obtain a class C CDL?
Yes, you will have to demonstrate to the officer, that you can complete the entire pre-trip. You are allowed to miss a few. The exact number, I am not sure of.
Trust me, the first time a steering box falls off your truck. You'll have wished you done one.
Reply:It doesn't sound like a c. But if it is a commercial vehicle I would get a dmv book. Class A and B are different ball games.
Reply:Absolutely!!!! The pre-trip IS one of the most important parts of general knowledge. You will be required to identify and explain what each part does under the hood. Some DOT test officers will even go as far as to ask what you would do in the event that part fails..... perfectly within their right to do so too. Provided you pass the pretrip portion of the driving test, they then allow you to perform the skills test involving backing, turning and whatever else they would like you to demonstrate within the cone course. Now you will be able to take the driving portion of your test.
Keep in mind you will be spending a lot of time in that vehicle, knowing every part of it should become second nature to you. The best way to avoid a break down or accident is proper maintenance, which the pretrip encourages.
Reply:Yes I think u should take the pre trip because remember ur going to need to know alot.
Reply:If you are going to have to take a road test, then yes, you will have to do a pre-trip for the inspector.
Reply:yes it`s important i think there is two questions on the test
cause CDL C is not for a truck if your talking about CDL B
then the answer is yes don't forget to study for doubles -n- triples too
i know i have CDL A those lic are for the 18 - wheelers : -P
Reply:you better! theres 106 pts you have to mention and or touch. if you cant spot something cracked or broken, just stay off the road.
Is it necessary to study for the pre-trip walk around inspection to obtain a class C CDL?
Yes, you will have to demonstrate to the officer, that you can complete the entire pre-trip. You are allowed to miss a few. The exact number, I am not sure of.
Trust me, the first time a steering box falls off your truck. You'll have wished you done one.
Reply:It doesn't sound like a c. But if it is a commercial vehicle I would get a dmv book. Class A and B are different ball games.
Reply:Absolutely!!!! The pre-trip IS one of the most important parts of general knowledge. You will be required to identify and explain what each part does under the hood. Some DOT test officers will even go as far as to ask what you would do in the event that part fails..... perfectly within their right to do so too. Provided you pass the pretrip portion of the driving test, they then allow you to perform the skills test involving backing, turning and whatever else they would like you to demonstrate within the cone course. Now you will be able to take the driving portion of your test.
Keep in mind you will be spending a lot of time in that vehicle, knowing every part of it should become second nature to you. The best way to avoid a break down or accident is proper maintenance, which the pretrip encourages.
Reply:Yes I think u should take the pre trip because remember ur going to need to know alot.
Reply:If you are going to have to take a road test, then yes, you will have to do a pre-trip for the inspector.
Reply:yes it`s important i think there is two questions on the test
cause CDL C is not for a truck if your talking about CDL B
then the answer is yes don't forget to study for doubles -n- triples too
i know i have CDL A those lic are for the 18 - wheelers : -P
Reply:you better! theres 106 pts you have to mention and or touch. if you cant spot something cracked or broken, just stay off the road.
What grade do I have to get on the final to get a B or a C?
What is the equation?
I had a 79.9% for Algebra 2 last quarter and I'm predicting I'll end up with a 75% (approx) this quarter. What grade on the final do I have to get, in order to get a B or a C?
What grade do I have to get on the final to get a B or a C?
you need to know how many points you have out of how many points availible which got you the 79.9%
also find out how many points your final is worth.
x= points you have now
y= points that were availible (out of how many points)
b= how much final is worth
x + a / y + b %26gt; .80
Reply:It depends on how much of your grade the final is. Sometimes it is on the point system and sometimes it is weighted (based on a percentage). No one can really accurately answer that question. Best guess, a perfect score would still put you below a B. Ask your teacher.
credit cards
I had a 79.9% for Algebra 2 last quarter and I'm predicting I'll end up with a 75% (approx) this quarter. What grade on the final do I have to get, in order to get a B or a C?
What grade do I have to get on the final to get a B or a C?
you need to know how many points you have out of how many points availible which got you the 79.9%
also find out how many points your final is worth.
x= points you have now
y= points that were availible (out of how many points)
b= how much final is worth
x + a / y + b %26gt; .80
Reply:It depends on how much of your grade the final is. Sometimes it is on the point system and sometimes it is weighted (based on a percentage). No one can really accurately answer that question. Best guess, a perfect score would still put you below a B. Ask your teacher.
credit cards
Can a person file a Schedule C if there was no income but had expenses?
If one earned schedule C income in 2006 and no schedule C income in 2007 but had expenses related to self employment, can that person file a schedule C which would reduce personal income because of the loss%26gt;
Can a person file a Schedule C if there was no income but had expenses?
If you were engaged in the same activity as you had in 2006, with the intention of making a profit, you can file Schedule C in 2007 and take expenses.
As mentioned, some expenses cannot be taken in a year when there is no corresponding income (depreciation of your home office is one example).
Reply:Schedule C is:
Profit and Loss from a Business
Yes you can file if you had a loss.
However the loss is limited by complex rules.
Use tax preparation software.
Can a person file a Schedule C if there was no income but had expenses?
If you were engaged in the same activity as you had in 2006, with the intention of making a profit, you can file Schedule C in 2007 and take expenses.
As mentioned, some expenses cannot be taken in a year when there is no corresponding income (depreciation of your home office is one example).
Reply:Schedule C is:
Profit and Loss from a Business
Yes you can file if you had a loss.
However the loss is limited by complex rules.
Use tax preparation software.
If I push the A/C button in my car while my heater is on, will it cause my A/C to stop working?
I had the heater on in my car last week, I didn't notice but someone had pushed the A/C button.... the A/C stopped working and my husband seems to think it was caused by this.
If I push the A/C button in my car while my heater is on, will it cause my A/C to stop working?
No it is the same operation that is used when you run your window defrost, except it is blowing out the vents on the dash.
I run mine in my pickup from time to time to cut down on the humid air.
Reply:Check the fuses.
Reply:you can run both at the same time
brandon flowers
If I push the A/C button in my car while my heater is on, will it cause my A/C to stop working?
No it is the same operation that is used when you run your window defrost, except it is blowing out the vents on the dash.
I run mine in my pickup from time to time to cut down on the humid air.
Reply:Check the fuses.
Reply:you can run both at the same time
brandon flowers
What is a life expectancy on a young female that is an alcholoic and she has hep C?
Even if she doesnt has hep C, what is her life expectancy if she is an alcholoic?
What is a life expectancy on a young female that is an alcholoic and she has hep C?
I used to be an iv drud user and got tested for hep c at ucsf. I was told that its ok to drink with it but you should drink water while drinking alcohol at least one water for one alcoholic drink. I dont know what the life expectsncy is that really depends on how well you take care of your self and how much you drink. Alcoholism is a gamble some people live very long lives some die real quick. Im 28 and still goin strong though.
Reply:Not Long if You continue to Damage Your Liver. Inerferon Injections can Help with HEP C. Save Yourself
Reply:There are too many variables here. For whatever reason, some people can drink and drink and rink and although they get really sick, they don't die. And there are those who die from alcoholism by their late 20s.
The Hep C thing makes the prognosis worse. But it all depends.
What is a life expectancy on a young female that is an alcholoic and she has hep C?
I used to be an iv drud user and got tested for hep c at ucsf. I was told that its ok to drink with it but you should drink water while drinking alcohol at least one water for one alcoholic drink. I dont know what the life expectsncy is that really depends on how well you take care of your self and how much you drink. Alcoholism is a gamble some people live very long lives some die real quick. Im 28 and still goin strong though.
Reply:Not Long if You continue to Damage Your Liver. Inerferon Injections can Help with HEP C. Save Yourself
Reply:There are too many variables here. For whatever reason, some people can drink and drink and rink and although they get really sick, they don't die. And there are those who die from alcoholism by their late 20s.
The Hep C thing makes the prognosis worse. But it all depends.
What is the best and quickest way to loose a flabby, bloated belly 2 years post c-section.?
I had a c-section two years ago, and now I am left with a roung, bloated flabby tummy. I have tried exercises, diet pills and sliming teas, but nothing works to flatten or at least deflate my gut. What can I do???? I need to do something now.
What is the best and quickest way to loose a flabby, bloated belly 2 years post c-section.?
A healthy eating plan and Cardio exercise is the best way to lose fat....You can not spot reduce and fad diets and quick remedies such has pills and tea's will not give you PERMANANT weight loss...
Reply:Figure your skin was cut, however body fat, you can take care of, what you need to work on is muscle that was cut. Work on abs, bottom line, if you say you have been doing it well, the abs can be worked on , On a daily bases the only muscle you can work on daily.
Reply:Okay. Cut out eating in between meals.
Only eat healthy food and cut down on Carb’s like bread, potatoes, pasta's, rice etc.
Don’t add salt to your meals.
Then walk an hour every morning two hours after a meal and the same in the afternoon.
If you can jog in between both sessions you'll burn even more calories.
You should lose and continue to lose more weight as you go.
If you can cut out your lunch meal and replace it with a protein drink instead that would also help. (Available from supermarkets).
As long as you can stay off junk food and eating in between meals.
Reply:There is a new hand-held device that I have PERSONALLY seen bring dramatic results. Several of my acquaintances are using this device and are seeing drastic results(including my own mother. She has 3 kids and the stretch-marks to prove it!!! The results were UNBELIEVABLE!!!!)
Psst--it even gets rid of wrinkles along with other benifits!!! Visit this website for FREE INFORMATION and contact info as well.
What is the best and quickest way to loose a flabby, bloated belly 2 years post c-section.?
A healthy eating plan and Cardio exercise is the best way to lose fat....You can not spot reduce and fad diets and quick remedies such has pills and tea's will not give you PERMANANT weight loss...
Reply:Figure your skin was cut, however body fat, you can take care of, what you need to work on is muscle that was cut. Work on abs, bottom line, if you say you have been doing it well, the abs can be worked on , On a daily bases the only muscle you can work on daily.
Reply:Okay. Cut out eating in between meals.
Only eat healthy food and cut down on Carb’s like bread, potatoes, pasta's, rice etc.
Don’t add salt to your meals.
Then walk an hour every morning two hours after a meal and the same in the afternoon.
If you can jog in between both sessions you'll burn even more calories.
You should lose and continue to lose more weight as you go.
If you can cut out your lunch meal and replace it with a protein drink instead that would also help. (Available from supermarkets).
As long as you can stay off junk food and eating in between meals.
Reply:There is a new hand-held device that I have PERSONALLY seen bring dramatic results. Several of my acquaintances are using this device and are seeing drastic results(including my own mother. She has 3 kids and the stretch-marks to prove it!!! The results were UNBELIEVABLE!!!!)
Psst--it even gets rid of wrinkles along with other benifits!!! Visit this website for FREE INFORMATION and contact info as well.
What does C-C and C-H bond energies have to do with the reactivity of alkanes?
C-C and C-H bond energies are lower/higher than the rest of the single bonds... what does this have to do with the reactivity of alkanes?
What does C-C and C-H bond energies have to do with the reactivity of alkanes?
During a reaction bonds are broken and new bonds are formed. Now, if C-C and C-H bonds in alkanes are strong, they will be hard to break, therefore we say the alkanes are less reactive.
Reply:If these bond have higher energies (in english: are stronger) than other single bonds, then one will have to supply more energy to break the bond in order for a chemical reaction to occur. Hence one would say that an alkane is much less inclined to react than certain other single bonds, for example, the single bond between oxygen and hydrogen in an alcohol -O-H. This bond is comparatively weak, ie has less bond energy and hence the H comes off easily, hence it is more reactive.
What does C-C and C-H bond energies have to do with the reactivity of alkanes?
During a reaction bonds are broken and new bonds are formed. Now, if C-C and C-H bonds in alkanes are strong, they will be hard to break, therefore we say the alkanes are less reactive.
Reply:If these bond have higher energies (in english: are stronger) than other single bonds, then one will have to supply more energy to break the bond in order for a chemical reaction to occur. Hence one would say that an alkane is much less inclined to react than certain other single bonds, for example, the single bond between oxygen and hydrogen in an alcohol -O-H. This bond is comparatively weak, ie has less bond energy and hence the H comes off easily, hence it is more reactive.
How do you repair/replace an A/C compressor?
I have a 2001 Honda Civic and and the A/C doesn't work. My mechanic says that I need a new compressor. It would cost me a ton of money that I would rather not spend. I'm pretty handy and wanted to know what it would take to repair or replace the compressor myself. Thanks.
How do you repair/replace an A/C compressor?
It would have to be replaced. There may be machine shops that rebuild them... Not something you could do yourself.
It would be a pain in the butt job. Mechanics have special tools for dealing with refrigerant, purging, filling and lubricating the system, testing for leaks, recycling refrigerant, etc... May require a special tool to change the pulley over on some cars. Could turn out to be something else that your mechanic would have to figure out if he was wrong... Yeah... you'd still be charged for the compressor...
This is one of those jobs where it might just be best to pay the money. Go somewhere with a good warranty that you can count on. Don't go to some small time mechanic who will charge you more if the system starts leaking after awhile and blame something else as the cause... Larger businesses are more likely to absorb costs when necessary to please a customer and protect their reputation.
Reply:Yes it's possible, but it can't be done with simple hand tools. Some of the tools you'll need are snap ring pliers, a bearing press, probably an air impact wrench, a torque wrench, and specialized Honda compressor tools. If you just replace the compressor it's pretty easy, but you will need to vacuum the system and charge with freon (probably R-134). The job isn't all that hard, but the equipment is expensive.
Reply:That repair should be left to a professional, you will need to purge the freon and I'm sure sure you won't have the equipment for that, plus there are a myriad other issues you can run into while attempting this repair
video cards
How do you repair/replace an A/C compressor?
It would have to be replaced. There may be machine shops that rebuild them... Not something you could do yourself.
It would be a pain in the butt job. Mechanics have special tools for dealing with refrigerant, purging, filling and lubricating the system, testing for leaks, recycling refrigerant, etc... May require a special tool to change the pulley over on some cars. Could turn out to be something else that your mechanic would have to figure out if he was wrong... Yeah... you'd still be charged for the compressor...
This is one of those jobs where it might just be best to pay the money. Go somewhere with a good warranty that you can count on. Don't go to some small time mechanic who will charge you more if the system starts leaking after awhile and blame something else as the cause... Larger businesses are more likely to absorb costs when necessary to please a customer and protect their reputation.
Reply:Yes it's possible, but it can't be done with simple hand tools. Some of the tools you'll need are snap ring pliers, a bearing press, probably an air impact wrench, a torque wrench, and specialized Honda compressor tools. If you just replace the compressor it's pretty easy, but you will need to vacuum the system and charge with freon (probably R-134). The job isn't all that hard, but the equipment is expensive.
Reply:That repair should be left to a professional, you will need to purge the freon and I'm sure sure you won't have the equipment for that, plus there are a myriad other issues you can run into while attempting this repair
video cards
Should I drop a class and take a W or a possible C?
I might get a C in this statistics class. I don't know if I should drop it and take a W or take a possible C. I'm planning on going to med school so this would hurt my GPA if I got a C, since last quarter I had a 3.9 something.
Should I drop a class and take a W or a possible C?
My pre-med adviser told me that for med school, a C is better than a W. Then again, if you think that 1) you'll be able to keep that GPA up for the rest of your undergrad, and 2) you could take it again and ace it, I'd recommend taking the W. Med schools are really impressed by a high GPA (as long as they don't see like 3 Ws or something), and you can always say that you felt you weren't really learning it the first time around and wanted to retake it because you want to understand statistics. Good luck!
Reply:I don't know about your school, but where i go to school a "W" is withdrawal which means you going to have to PAY and TAKE the class again. I would take a C anyday so I didn't have to take the class again and work real hard in my other courses to in sure I had straight A's. It sounds me that you haven't been giving 100% to this class and now have a C. Unless you really think it's worth it to take the class again, then I would Withdrawal, otherwise work hard from here on out to insure you get into medical school.
Reply:Good Evening from Northern Arizona,
My advice is to take the "C." A "withdrawl" looks inappropriate on your transcripts. Remember, your transcripts are like "fingerprints:" they can never be discarded. I would try to work something out with the professor...try to squeeze a B- out of him or her???
Reply:probably. i got a B in statistics when i took it and if i had gotten a C i would not have been very happy.
Should I drop a class and take a W or a possible C?
My pre-med adviser told me that for med school, a C is better than a W. Then again, if you think that 1) you'll be able to keep that GPA up for the rest of your undergrad, and 2) you could take it again and ace it, I'd recommend taking the W. Med schools are really impressed by a high GPA (as long as they don't see like 3 Ws or something), and you can always say that you felt you weren't really learning it the first time around and wanted to retake it because you want to understand statistics. Good luck!
Reply:I don't know about your school, but where i go to school a "W" is withdrawal which means you going to have to PAY and TAKE the class again. I would take a C anyday so I didn't have to take the class again and work real hard in my other courses to in sure I had straight A's. It sounds me that you haven't been giving 100% to this class and now have a C. Unless you really think it's worth it to take the class again, then I would Withdrawal, otherwise work hard from here on out to insure you get into medical school.
Reply:Good Evening from Northern Arizona,
My advice is to take the "C." A "withdrawl" looks inappropriate on your transcripts. Remember, your transcripts are like "fingerprints:" they can never be discarded. I would try to work something out with the professor...try to squeeze a B- out of him or her???
Reply:probably. i got a B in statistics when i took it and if i had gotten a C i would not have been very happy.
How do I muffle the sound of rain dripping on my A/C ?
the super bolted the window around my a/c and i just leave it in all year. someone a few flights up from me has an a/c now that is above mine and whenever it rains it is like water torture to hear this monotonous drip of water from the unit up there....
what can i do? so far all i can think of is to get a huge sponge and stick it on the top of the a/c unit to absorb the water - and there has GOT to be something better then that right?
How do I muffle the sound of rain dripping on my A/C ?
try placing a doormat on top of your a/c but keep in mind that it should be of a size that does not cover the entire top portion as the slats need to be kept uncovered for the heat to escape. you could place the doormat during rains n even if it is completely wet...it will let the excess water drip down but will muffle the noises effectively.
If you want to prevent water from dripping down then alternately try to place a flat container with the doormat over it on top of the a/c ....
Reply:I agree more with the first answer. Duct taping a screen to it may anger the super because it leaves a sticky residue when you try to remove it. Also, after a period of time being rained on, the duct tape will loose adhesion and begin to peel off. Then there is also the issue of the over all appearance from the street, the super or management company may have guidlines to follow.
I also would suggest a cheap doormat or something of that nature. Most window units have the coils and fins at the back of the unit, although they differ by manufacturer. So before you go and buy anything, check yours out and be sure not to block the fins or coils or any type of vent.
If your in doubt, ask around and have someone show you.
Reply:Get a piece of screen with fine mesh and duct tape it over yours. The screen breaks the drops without the sound.
what can i do? so far all i can think of is to get a huge sponge and stick it on the top of the a/c unit to absorb the water - and there has GOT to be something better then that right?
How do I muffle the sound of rain dripping on my A/C ?
try placing a doormat on top of your a/c but keep in mind that it should be of a size that does not cover the entire top portion as the slats need to be kept uncovered for the heat to escape. you could place the doormat during rains n even if it is completely wet...it will let the excess water drip down but will muffle the noises effectively.
If you want to prevent water from dripping down then alternately try to place a flat container with the doormat over it on top of the a/c ....
Reply:I agree more with the first answer. Duct taping a screen to it may anger the super because it leaves a sticky residue when you try to remove it. Also, after a period of time being rained on, the duct tape will loose adhesion and begin to peel off. Then there is also the issue of the over all appearance from the street, the super or management company may have guidlines to follow.
I also would suggest a cheap doormat or something of that nature. Most window units have the coils and fins at the back of the unit, although they differ by manufacturer. So before you go and buy anything, check yours out and be sure not to block the fins or coils or any type of vent.
If your in doubt, ask around and have someone show you.
Reply:Get a piece of screen with fine mesh and duct tape it over yours. The screen breaks the drops without the sound.
How does the A/C run in a hybrid vehicle when the engine is idling?
When a hybrid vehicle is idle, the engine shuts off. The A/C compressor is connected to the engine. So how does the A/C stay on when the engine is off when the vehicle is idling? Does the A/C shut off also?
How does the A/C run in a hybrid vehicle when the engine is idling?
actually it depends on what type of hybrid it is, there are multiple levels of hybrid.
1. A full hybrid is able to move and run the A/C using electric power only drawn from a large nickel metal hydride (NiMH) storage battery. The internal combustion engine (ICE) does not have to start for either as long as there is enough charge stored in the NiMH, as has been pointed out.
Think of the Prius, or any other Toyota or Lexus hybrid.
And no, there is no exact threshold when the ICE will turn on and off to recharge the NiMH when the vehicle is idling. That is controlled by multiple computers and sensors.
2. A partial hybrid must have the ICE running to move the vehicle or run the A/C, even if the vehicle is idling. The ICE will shut off at stops if the A/C is not running.
There are smaller NiMH and electric motor generators than in a full hybrid and they are used to boost the ICE.
Think of the Chevy Tahoe Hybrid.
3. A mild hybrid must have the ICE running to move or run the A/C and there is a very small electric motor generator that boosts the ICE. There may or may not be a very small NiMH.
Essentially the generator restarts the ICE after a stop to prevent fuel waste at idle.
Think of the Malibu Hybrid.
The A/C compressor and the heat pumps (that move heat from the ICE into the cabin to warm it) are not linked to the ICE in a full hybrid. They are in a partial and mild hybrid in some form, depending on the vehicle.
There are variances in even full hybrids on the electric A/C operation. The Camry Hybrid has an "ECON" button that allows the driver to boost the A/C to maximum with additional energy from the ICE. Normal A/C mode runs purely from the stored energy in the NiMH. The Prius, for example, runs the A/C only from the NiMH energy, no matter what mode is selected.
If that doesn't clear it up, let me know any other specifics.
Reply:The air conditioning in my Toyota Prius is electrical. It draws power off the hybrid battery when the car is stopped and the gasoline engine is not running. If the hybrid battery runs down, the car will automatically start the gasoline engine to continue providing the electrical power.
And the hybrids actually get BETTER mileage in the summer because 1) it's easier for the gasoline engine to keep warm when it's not running (a warmed-up engine works more efficiently), and 2) the battery is more efficient at temperatures above 50F.
I get around 50mpg in my Prius during the summer WITH the air conditioning on, and around 40mpg in the winter.
First-hand experience beats I-heard-from-somewhere myths every time. If you know anyone who owns a Prius, ask them to show you the car and hear about their driving experience with it.
Reply:It stays on and it is electrically driven so the engine does not need to be on and also..................
Hybrid cars might not be quite so fuel-efficient when the weather turns hot.
A study by the Department of Energy's National Laboratory found that hybrids lose up to 27 percent of their fuel efficiency when the air conditioning is running.
Conventional vehicles only lose 2 to 5 percent.
How does the A/C run in a hybrid vehicle when the engine is idling?
actually it depends on what type of hybrid it is, there are multiple levels of hybrid.
1. A full hybrid is able to move and run the A/C using electric power only drawn from a large nickel metal hydride (NiMH) storage battery. The internal combustion engine (ICE) does not have to start for either as long as there is enough charge stored in the NiMH, as has been pointed out.
Think of the Prius, or any other Toyota or Lexus hybrid.
And no, there is no exact threshold when the ICE will turn on and off to recharge the NiMH when the vehicle is idling. That is controlled by multiple computers and sensors.
2. A partial hybrid must have the ICE running to move the vehicle or run the A/C, even if the vehicle is idling. The ICE will shut off at stops if the A/C is not running.
There are smaller NiMH and electric motor generators than in a full hybrid and they are used to boost the ICE.
Think of the Chevy Tahoe Hybrid.
3. A mild hybrid must have the ICE running to move or run the A/C and there is a very small electric motor generator that boosts the ICE. There may or may not be a very small NiMH.
Essentially the generator restarts the ICE after a stop to prevent fuel waste at idle.
Think of the Malibu Hybrid.
The A/C compressor and the heat pumps (that move heat from the ICE into the cabin to warm it) are not linked to the ICE in a full hybrid. They are in a partial and mild hybrid in some form, depending on the vehicle.
There are variances in even full hybrids on the electric A/C operation. The Camry Hybrid has an "ECON" button that allows the driver to boost the A/C to maximum with additional energy from the ICE. Normal A/C mode runs purely from the stored energy in the NiMH. The Prius, for example, runs the A/C only from the NiMH energy, no matter what mode is selected.
If that doesn't clear it up, let me know any other specifics.
Reply:The air conditioning in my Toyota Prius is electrical. It draws power off the hybrid battery when the car is stopped and the gasoline engine is not running. If the hybrid battery runs down, the car will automatically start the gasoline engine to continue providing the electrical power.
And the hybrids actually get BETTER mileage in the summer because 1) it's easier for the gasoline engine to keep warm when it's not running (a warmed-up engine works more efficiently), and 2) the battery is more efficient at temperatures above 50F.
I get around 50mpg in my Prius during the summer WITH the air conditioning on, and around 40mpg in the winter.
First-hand experience beats I-heard-from-somewhere myths every time. If you know anyone who owns a Prius, ask them to show you the car and hear about their driving experience with it.
Reply:It stays on and it is electrically driven so the engine does not need to be on and also..................
Hybrid cars might not be quite so fuel-efficient when the weather turns hot.
A study by the Department of Energy's National Laboratory found that hybrids lose up to 27 percent of their fuel efficiency when the air conditioning is running.
Conventional vehicles only lose 2 to 5 percent.
What is the difference between a womans c*m?
Ok woman have 2 types of c*m one more milky and liquidy but the other much more thick, like very thick thick, what is the difference?
What is the difference between a womans c*m?
u must be a virgin .. but try going to science class
Reply:The difference is the time in her cycle. Around ovulation it is more runny and closer to menses it is more thich. Best wishes
Reply:see e-mail
sd cards
What is the difference between a womans c*m?
u must be a virgin .. but try going to science class
Reply:The difference is the time in her cycle. Around ovulation it is more runny and closer to menses it is more thich. Best wishes
Reply:see e-mail
sd cards
What size belt do I need to bypass the a/c on a 1992 nissan pathfinder XE?
My A/C compressor is going bad. Since I don't use my A/C anyway I want to run a shorter belt to the idler pulley, bypassing the AC. Does anyone know what size belt I need or how I might measure the belt size.
What size belt do I need to bypass the a/c on a 1992 nissan pathfinder XE?
Go to a parts store and ask if they have a belt for the same vehicle that did not have a/c when it came out...thats what ive always done
Reply:And the reason for turning just the idler? just remove the AC belt your truck has three belts (alt waterpump) Powersteering and AC from back to front easy just take the belt off and make sure to retighten the center nut 14mm on the idler pulley.
What size belt do I need to bypass the a/c on a 1992 nissan pathfinder XE?
Go to a parts store and ask if they have a belt for the same vehicle that did not have a/c when it came out...thats what ive always done
Reply:And the reason for turning just the idler? just remove the AC belt your truck has three belts (alt waterpump) Powersteering and AC from back to front easy just take the belt off and make sure to retighten the center nut 14mm on the idler pulley.
If you earned less than $600 as a subcontractor do you have to file schedule C?
I earned a lot less than $600 as a subcontractor at tutoring, do I still have to file a schedule C with my other W-2 type salary.
If you earned less than $600 as a subcontractor do you have to file schedule C?
Only if you were sent a 1099. You always have to report income earned sent to you on a 1099, even if taxes were not deducted from your pay. If you have no 1099, then no, the IRS has no way of knowing what you earned. You are legally supposed to report it, but what true blue American does, no one!! If in doubt, call the company you did work for and ask them if you had a 1099, in case it was lost in the mail. Then you will be safe, if they did not file that, then the IRASS does not know about it.
Reply:Yes, you do have to file it. If it's over $400 you'd have to even if it was your only income, but if you have enough W-2 of other income to have to file, you'd have to report it even if it was under $400 - sounds like you're required to for both of those reasons.
Reply:Yes, you must include that income whether you got a 1099 or not.
Please ignore the idiot above me. She is suggesting that you break the law. Not a smart idea!
Reply:1 800 829 1040
Internal Revenue Service - Taxpayer Assistance Division
If you earned less than $600 as a subcontractor do you have to file schedule C?
Only if you were sent a 1099. You always have to report income earned sent to you on a 1099, even if taxes were not deducted from your pay. If you have no 1099, then no, the IRS has no way of knowing what you earned. You are legally supposed to report it, but what true blue American does, no one!! If in doubt, call the company you did work for and ask them if you had a 1099, in case it was lost in the mail. Then you will be safe, if they did not file that, then the IRASS does not know about it.
Reply:Yes, you do have to file it. If it's over $400 you'd have to even if it was your only income, but if you have enough W-2 of other income to have to file, you'd have to report it even if it was under $400 - sounds like you're required to for both of those reasons.
Reply:Yes, you must include that income whether you got a 1099 or not.
Please ignore the idiot above me. She is suggesting that you break the law. Not a smart idea!
Reply:1 800 829 1040
Internal Revenue Service - Taxpayer Assistance Division
My a/c on my new car went out and it started making a funny noise. What could it be?
I have the worst luck. I finally got a new car and today I was driving and my a/c stopped working and I kept hearing this noise. I was driving through down town Fort Worth, so I thought maybe it was just the noise around me (they were doing construction), but I got home and the noise is worse, (it was my car). When the a/c stopped working I smelt a burning smell. Could it be a belt? The belts don't look like they are running right. I'm afraid to go to a mechanic and get a diagnosis because I always get ripped off and I want to have an idea of what it could be. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and any advice is highly appreciated. :)
My a/c on my new car went out and it started making a funny noise. What could it be?
take it to a shop, but before you repair anything, get back on here and lets us know what the diagnosis is and we can help
Reply:There are several things, a water pump, a belt tension, a alternator an A/C compressor. If this car is new then get to the dealership asap and get it fixed, You might think of reading the book "Identifying a Lemon" at lemonprotection.com, it helped me a lot. Good Luck and GOD Bless
Reply:From your description it sounds as tho your A/C belt is slipping and or your A/C compressor/clutch assy. is bad. That would explain the noise as well as the burning smell you describe. If it is a new car as you say then it should be under warranty and if it is a late model used car that you just purchased from a dealer they will hopefully stand behind what they sold you. In any event you need to have it looked at to be sure.
Reply:If it's indeed a new car, it's under warranty. Call the dealer and tell them to send the tow truck because you don't want to damage it by driving it back to them. They will come get it, tow it in and fix it for you.
Reply:take it to any shop and have it checked first,not all shops are rip offs ,at least you can get a hands on opinion of what its doing,after that you,ll have a better idea of whats going on with it,if it was a belt i believe it would have melted it off on that trip,but it needs to be checked ,good luck with it.
My a/c on my new car went out and it started making a funny noise. What could it be?
take it to a shop, but before you repair anything, get back on here and lets us know what the diagnosis is and we can help
Reply:There are several things, a water pump, a belt tension, a alternator an A/C compressor. If this car is new then get to the dealership asap and get it fixed, You might think of reading the book "Identifying a Lemon" at lemonprotection.com, it helped me a lot. Good Luck and GOD Bless
Reply:From your description it sounds as tho your A/C belt is slipping and or your A/C compressor/clutch assy. is bad. That would explain the noise as well as the burning smell you describe. If it is a new car as you say then it should be under warranty and if it is a late model used car that you just purchased from a dealer they will hopefully stand behind what they sold you. In any event you need to have it looked at to be sure.
Reply:If it's indeed a new car, it's under warranty. Call the dealer and tell them to send the tow truck because you don't want to damage it by driving it back to them. They will come get it, tow it in and fix it for you.
Reply:take it to any shop and have it checked first,not all shops are rip offs ,at least you can get a hands on opinion of what its doing,after that you,ll have a better idea of whats going on with it,if it was a belt i believe it would have melted it off on that trip,but it needs to be checked ,good luck with it.
What it means when exercising in A/C room and sweating? Is it good or bad for the body?
I want to know while exercising in A/C room sweating is good or bad for the body.
What it means when exercising in A/C room and sweating? Is it good or bad for the body?
Some don't advocate it, but I think the cooler you are, perhaps the more you'll exercise.
I never got sick from it.
Reply:The A/C in the room has nothing bad to do with your sweating and your body.
What it means when exercising in A/C room and sweating? Is it good or bad for the body?
Some don't advocate it, but I think the cooler you are, perhaps the more you'll exercise.
I never got sick from it.
Reply:The A/C in the room has nothing bad to do with your sweating and your body.
What is the maximum amount of Vitamin C for a 120lb female?
What is the maximum amount of Vitamin C I can take without damaging my body?
What is the maximum amount of Vitamin C for a 120lb female?
You can't really overdose on Vitamin C, as it doesn't stay in yoour system. I'm 120lb and I often take up to 1000mg per day. You might get a bit of a tummy upset if you take too much, but no long term damage. I know some woman that take up to 2000mg-3000mg per day!
HTH : )
Reply:There is no limit...it will just give you the sh*ts if you take too much.
Reply:You can't overdose on C. Any that doesn't get used will be excreted in the urine.
It is possible, though unlikely, to overdose on other vitamins, but megadoses of C are safe.
Reply:you cannot damage your body, as far as i know, whatever your body does not need/use you just urinate out. thats what the doc told me about vitamin B
Reply:200 miligrams daily
What is the maximum amount of Vitamin C for a 120lb female?
You can't really overdose on Vitamin C, as it doesn't stay in yoour system. I'm 120lb and I often take up to 1000mg per day. You might get a bit of a tummy upset if you take too much, but no long term damage. I know some woman that take up to 2000mg-3000mg per day!
HTH : )
Reply:There is no limit...it will just give you the sh*ts if you take too much.
Reply:You can't overdose on C. Any that doesn't get used will be excreted in the urine.
It is possible, though unlikely, to overdose on other vitamins, but megadoses of C are safe.
Reply:you cannot damage your body, as far as i know, whatever your body does not need/use you just urinate out. thats what the doc told me about vitamin B
Reply:200 miligrams daily
Do I have to Include a 1099-C form on my state tax return?
My wife and myself received a 1099-C cancellation of debt form for our taxes this year. We didn't file bankruptcy or anything, just a credit card debt we got reduced. Anyway my question was does this have to be added to the state return as well?
Do I have to Include a 1099-C form on my state tax return?
Yes, as debt cancellation is a form of income.
Reply:on the PA web site:
i found under PA income tax Guide:
Cancellation of Personal Debt or Student Loans is NOT TAXABLE for PA personal income tax purposes..... The cancelation of a personal debt including stdent loans is not taxable... Revised 3/2008 ? Report It
Reply:on all of the state taxes that I have done the figuree that they use is taken from your fed. tax ; 1040 line 21 and that already includes your 1099C, if you are from a stae that requires you to file a copy of your W-2 then they waould want a copy the 1099C
Do I have to Include a 1099-C form on my state tax return?
Yes, as debt cancellation is a form of income.
Reply:on the PA web site:
i found under PA income tax Guide:
Cancellation of Personal Debt or Student Loans is NOT TAXABLE for PA personal income tax purposes..... The cancelation of a personal debt including stdent loans is not taxable... Revised 3/2008 ? Report It
Reply:on all of the state taxes that I have done the figuree that they use is taken from your fed. tax ; 1040 line 21 and that already includes your 1099C, if you are from a stae that requires you to file a copy of your W-2 then they waould want a copy the 1099C
What can destroy vitamin C in citrus fruits?
I have heard that heat, cold or sugar can destroy vitamin C in citrus fruits. Is this correct? I want to take natural vitamin c by drinking lemonade but I'm not sure if what I'm taking still contains the vitamin C
What can destroy vitamin C in citrus fruits?
You're going to have a hard time getting a sufficient quantity of vitamin C by drinking lemonade. It's basically just sweetened ice water, with a little lemon juice for flavoring. You'd need about 8 ounces of lemon juice, which would be about a half-gallon of lemonade. Pucker up!
Vitamin C can be destroyed by heat, but not necessarily from cold. Frozen OJ concentrate contains a lot of vitamin C.
The OJ they sell in those pretty clear plastic bottles? If it's not from concentrate, they pasteurize it, and that destroys some vitamin C.
Fresh OJ, not from concentrate, may not, especially if it comes in those clear plastic bottles. Because they pasteurize that fresh OJ, but not the stuff made from concentrate, you get *less* vitamin C in the not-from-concentrate stuff. Hmmph! Who'd have guessed?
Those clear plastic bottles let light in, and the longer it sits on the shelf, the more the vitamin C levels go down. Oxygen destroys vitamin C, too.
I can't find *anything* that says sugar destroys vitamin C. In fact, I find references that vitamin C prevents sugar in our cells from converting to sorbitol, which causes some of the problems associated with diabetes, such as retinopathy, neuropathy, and nephropathy.
Reply:Probably the vitamin C stays in the fruit at all times. But different variables can effect if your body will absorb it.
Reply:Sugar and cold does not destroy Vitamin C. You should add lime or lemon juice to cold water and then add honey or syrup for a cold refreshing drink.It will not destroy the Vitamin C.Heating destroys Vitamin C
Reply:Hey we grow citrus in Ca. The heat can get to 100 and the cold to 34,so neither.If cold killed it,the cold storage would do damage.I would say the slicing and not using quickly would deplete it,not destroy...
Reply:Cooking it especially in water as well as carbon monoxide, such as in tobacco smoke will destroy vitamin c.
What can destroy vitamin C in citrus fruits?
You're going to have a hard time getting a sufficient quantity of vitamin C by drinking lemonade. It's basically just sweetened ice water, with a little lemon juice for flavoring. You'd need about 8 ounces of lemon juice, which would be about a half-gallon of lemonade. Pucker up!
Vitamin C can be destroyed by heat, but not necessarily from cold. Frozen OJ concentrate contains a lot of vitamin C.
The OJ they sell in those pretty clear plastic bottles? If it's not from concentrate, they pasteurize it, and that destroys some vitamin C.
Fresh OJ, not from concentrate, may not, especially if it comes in those clear plastic bottles. Because they pasteurize that fresh OJ, but not the stuff made from concentrate, you get *less* vitamin C in the not-from-concentrate stuff. Hmmph! Who'd have guessed?
Those clear plastic bottles let light in, and the longer it sits on the shelf, the more the vitamin C levels go down. Oxygen destroys vitamin C, too.
I can't find *anything* that says sugar destroys vitamin C. In fact, I find references that vitamin C prevents sugar in our cells from converting to sorbitol, which causes some of the problems associated with diabetes, such as retinopathy, neuropathy, and nephropathy.
Reply:Probably the vitamin C stays in the fruit at all times. But different variables can effect if your body will absorb it.
Reply:Sugar and cold does not destroy Vitamin C. You should add lime or lemon juice to cold water and then add honey or syrup for a cold refreshing drink.It will not destroy the Vitamin C.Heating destroys Vitamin C
Reply:Hey we grow citrus in Ca. The heat can get to 100 and the cold to 34,so neither.If cold killed it,the cold storage would do damage.I would say the slicing and not using quickly would deplete it,not destroy...
Reply:Cooking it especially in water as well as carbon monoxide, such as in tobacco smoke will destroy vitamin c.
How can I get a class C or D security license for a job?
I would like to get a job in an private invesigator's office to get some expirence for when I'm done with school, but most places want a potential employee to have a class C or D security license. Does anyone know where and how to get this license? Thanks.
How can I get a class C or D security license for a job?
It depends on your state, but contact the state agency that regulates this in your state
id cards
How can I get a class C or D security license for a job?
It depends on your state, but contact the state agency that regulates this in your state
id cards
What really happens during a C-Section or Natural Delivery?
I visit my doctor tomorrow to detemine whether or not if i will be about to deliver Vaginal or through a C-Section. I need to know the procedures and and the feelings of pains and the delivery itself.
What really happens during a C-Section or Natural Delivery?
I've had 3 c-sections. My first was emergency (cephalo-pelvic disproportion) and the other 2 were by choice. The operation itself is not painful, and your recovery should be well-managed by your doctors and nurses. I was up on my feet the same evening after having each child. The only drawback could be that you don't hold your baby immediately and you can't view the birth. There's also a possibility that your partner may not be able to be in the room with you if it's an emergency - that's something you'd need to ask your ob/gyn about. Either way, the important thing is that you get a healthy baby - the method shouldn't matter. Good luck!
Reply:wow, at least you get to prepare yourself!! I've had 3 babies, and I'm due again in 3 weeks. 2 vaginal, 1 emergency c-section.
every pregnancy, every birth is different, so you're likely to get a lot of different answers here. there is no right or wrong.
With a vaginal delivery, there is a lot of poking and prodding before you even get in the delivery room. Personally, i found that when the midwife was feeling my belly to check if the baby was engaged or not, that hurt the most, even more than the actual birthgiving! what they do is lie you on a bed and press REALLY hard around your lower abdomen and pelvis. You will need to hold someone's hand for this. The best thing to do is breathe out as they begin, take long deep breaths, and try to keep your lower half relaxed. easier said than done though.
They may have to hook you up to an IV for fluids.
They keep a monitor belt on you to keep track of how baby is doing, this is a traumatic time for bub as well, and can become distressed.
when they FINALLY take you to the delivery room, they will be doing internal examinations pretty often, to see how much you've dilated, and also to keep on top of any nasty surprises. Like feet instead of a head, that happened to me. Anyway, if you need or want anything, like pain relief, a shower to help ease the pain, a heat pack, some water, or just want to walk around a bit, all you have to do is ask. Be aware that not everything will be possible, it could be too late for certain pain relieving drugs. That sucks! Labour pains are sort of like your worst period cramps ever, then multiply that by a thousand. The thing to remember is that it is pain with a purpose, and that it does end. You will come to a point where you swear you need to go do a poo. they will not let you anywhere near a toilet, because it's just baby's head pressing on your bowels, and if you did try to poo, you could end up pushing your baby into the toilet!! But birth is not very far away at all, when you feel like this, it's time to push! It's difficult to describe HOW to push, i guess it's kinda like pushing out the biggest crap of your life. when baby starts to crown, it feels like a stretching, burning sensation. I found this to be less painful than contractions, but that's just me. getting the head out is definitely the hardest bit, followed by the shoulders, but then bub just slides right out. You will feel soooo relieved after all that. But it doesn't end there, you still have a placenta to get out. you'll still be contracting, but nowhere near as intensely. It pretty much slides out too, with very little pushing. It feels kind of like a large blood clot. (With my first, the placenta didn't come out on its own, even with drugs to make it come out, they had to take me in to theatre and get it out manually. They knocked me out completely for this)
As for a c-section, this is often portrayed as being the easy option, but the reality is so far from that it's not funny. If it's a scheduled c-section, they'll take you in and prep you for surgery. then they'll pop an epidural in your back, which can hurt, but after that you don't feel a thing for about 3-4 hours. they put a screen up across your belly, so you can't see the gory stuff. They rub ice over you to make sure you can't feel anything, and paint your belly with some sort of anti-bacterial cleanser. They won't say when they're about put the scalpel in or anything, but they will let you know that they've already started. The whole procedure seems a lot more civilized and orderly than a vaginal birth.
In the event of an emergency c-section... welcome to hell. You will be contracting away, already in the worst pain you're ever likely to experience, then some unfeeling doctor will be trying to get you to keep still while they stick an epidural in your back. Yeah, right! After they get the epidural in, you can't feel a thing. It's pure bliss, until the anaesthetic wears off.
The difference is that with a c-section you won't be able to hold your baby straight away. You will itch something chronic. and when the anaesthetic wears off, it will HURT. The midwives on the ward will try and get you to sit up as soon as possible. For me, this was the most excruciating pain i have ever endured, even worse than childbirth. I was too scared to stand up, i honestly felt like my wound was going to come open and all my insides were gonna fall out onto the floor. That can't happen though. You will need help to shower for at least the first 2 days after a c-section. it's pretty difficult to walk about too, i had to be wheeled everywhere for 5 days. I then found out that my pain was due to an infection in my wound!! it was pretty much non-stop drama for me, but not everyone goes through that much pain.
Personally, i much prefer a vaginal birth over a c-section. The only real discomforts after a vaginal birth are afterpains, which feel pretty much like bad period cramps, but they're bearable, and you should be offered painkillers for that. Also going to the toilet the first few days, it will probably sting a little, due to grazes on baby's way out, but these are unavoidable. Drink LOTS of water, to dilute your urine. The midwives can also give you a urine neutralizing drink, which will help. c-sections are difficult to recover from. it takes at least 6 weeks to fully recover. You won't be able to drive for a few weeks either. In hospital, they will offer you LOTS of strong painkillers. TAKE THEM!!!!
Please remember that these have been my personal experiences only, for you it may be better, or it could be worse (let's hope not though!!) I hope i didn't scare you too much. i wish you all the best, and good luck!!
Reply:My first baby was born via C section because she was breech. She was the 7 pounder, I had a V-BAC (vaginal birth after cesearean) the second time -- with a 9 pounder. Ugh. Anyway, after I recovered from the c-section I felt it was the greatest thing ever that is until I delivered naturally. The c-section took a lot out of me physically of course. The recovery wasn't bad, just slow. The worst part really was right after. I felt groggy for a bit. Then I had to be on a liquid diet for a bit until my insides returned to normal.
With the second baby the labor and delivery were the hard part but the recovery was a piece of cake. I was up immediately and while they were cleaning him up I was ordering food. I was starving! I was much more in tune and alert. I felt like a true cave woman and am so grateful for the experience.
I will never be one of those woman who thinks that everyone should enjoy pushing a baby out. I always got annoyed at those who said I really didn't "give birth" since I had a C. Bull. The end result is the same for both, all you want is a healthy baby and a healthy recovery.
C-sections though very common are still major surgery. My advice is to talk things through very well with your doctor. Personally I would try the vaginal route first and see what happens. You could go easily or you could end up with a C, you just never know. I wouldn't trade my experience of a vaginal birth for anything. It was wonderful, sure it was hard, but it was amazing.
Also remember, every woman that has given birth has a story. Some are good and some are bad. Make sure you do a wide poll before making a decision. People love to tell the horror stories from either way of having a baby. Don't let those scare you.
Good luck to you and congratulations on your pregnancy.
Reply:If you can deliver natural, i say GO FOR IT! I went 19hrs into labor, then rushed c-section...my son just wasn't descending. Not only that, my epidural wore off the last 4 hrs of that labor... not a very good feeling, I've never cried harder in my life! The spinal epidural didn't work either when they went to do my c-section, so they had to put me under... it was my first experience with all of this, and very scary. When I woke up, I had to have an oxygen mask on me- which I am claustrophobic, so it was frightening for me- which I think is weird...but being woken up to a mask on me felt weird, and I also felt like I couldn't breathe... anyways, when they moved me to my room, and when I actually had to move to the other bed, I felt like I had been cut in half!!!! OH MY GOODNESS the pain was horrible! The very next day, they expected me to get up and walk- which made me very dizzy- had to have water and ice chips at all times.... also, if you do have a c-section, roll up the white hospital blanket, and use that for pressure on your incision... especially when you cough, sneeze, laugh, or even walk... it helps! But yes, it was terrible pains for the first 2 months.... now I still get pains here and there where my incision is, but it's not nearly as bad... but it reminds me of that pain I was in. So I'm scared, and pray I can have a natural birth next time. My baby weighed 9lbs 10oz, and I'm smaller, so he just didn't fit resulting in my c-section...they said next time at 36 weeks they will give me an ultrasound to see where I'm at and then go from there.
Goodluck, i really advise on natural if you can. If you get the epidural and it works the entire time, you won't feel too much- just pressure.... I was giggling with my dad- he made me laugh a lot during my labor when the epidural was working.
Reply:go natural if you can (i mean if there are no health risks involved in using that method). I've done it twice and the 2nd one was so easy. Baby is born, couple hours later I'm walking around the recuperation room waiting to be discharged. And like the other girl said, you dont want to be taking care of the scar of c section, your baby, and you super sore chapped nipples from breastfeeding. One less thing to worry about.
Reply:Ive had 3 natural births and It was great because afterwards I was fine again and able to move around immediatley. With my first 2 it was a little more difficult because Ihad to have the episiotomy, but with the 3rd I didnt have one and I was in no pain afterwards at all. With a C section you have to heal and it just seems like a pain to have that and take care of a baby. If you have to have it then fine, you cant help that, but if you are looking for an elective C section, I wouldnt do that.
check out thiese videos
Reply:I don't know anything about natural delivery, but I have had two c-sections in the last 2 years. The last one being a month ago. During a c-section they are going to first numb you from the upper-mid back down. Usually using a spinal or an epidural. Then they are going to strap you down to an operating table with your arms out. A curtian will be up so that you cant see anything that is happening. If you have some one with you in the operating room they will be sitting up by your head. They will then procede to cut open your lower abdomen usually its about 4-6 inches of a cut. The baby will be taken out along with the afterbirth and what not. They will take the baby and get him or her cleaned up enough and let you see him or her really quick then finish what they need to do with the baby. Next they will start to sew you back up and you will have staples put in. After that you will be taken to recovery to regain feeling from your anistetic. They may bring in the baby for you to hold and see. Then your sent to your room to start the recovery process.
It really isnt all that bad. This was my experience with it, some hospitals may differ but probably not by much. Good luck if you go this way! And congratulations on your soon to be new arrival!
Reply:what really happens is that yes you guessed it you have a baby lol
please dont get the c section if medicaly possible as its major abdominal surgery you can bleed to death ect there are way less risks involved with a vaginal delivery you will be up and walking with in hours with a c section its not usually untill the next day and its so incredible painful to laugh sneeze caough talk ect
please take my advice go the vaginal i am from australia and you americans have such a high c section rate its unbeleivable why is this?
the reason i no all this is because i am a midwife i see tons of ladies go through deleveries everyday the vaginal is an alround best dont take the easy way out you wil regret it
What really happens during a C-Section or Natural Delivery?
I've had 3 c-sections. My first was emergency (cephalo-pelvic disproportion) and the other 2 were by choice. The operation itself is not painful, and your recovery should be well-managed by your doctors and nurses. I was up on my feet the same evening after having each child. The only drawback could be that you don't hold your baby immediately and you can't view the birth. There's also a possibility that your partner may not be able to be in the room with you if it's an emergency - that's something you'd need to ask your ob/gyn about. Either way, the important thing is that you get a healthy baby - the method shouldn't matter. Good luck!
Reply:wow, at least you get to prepare yourself!! I've had 3 babies, and I'm due again in 3 weeks. 2 vaginal, 1 emergency c-section.
every pregnancy, every birth is different, so you're likely to get a lot of different answers here. there is no right or wrong.
With a vaginal delivery, there is a lot of poking and prodding before you even get in the delivery room. Personally, i found that when the midwife was feeling my belly to check if the baby was engaged or not, that hurt the most, even more than the actual birthgiving! what they do is lie you on a bed and press REALLY hard around your lower abdomen and pelvis. You will need to hold someone's hand for this. The best thing to do is breathe out as they begin, take long deep breaths, and try to keep your lower half relaxed. easier said than done though.
They may have to hook you up to an IV for fluids.
They keep a monitor belt on you to keep track of how baby is doing, this is a traumatic time for bub as well, and can become distressed.
when they FINALLY take you to the delivery room, they will be doing internal examinations pretty often, to see how much you've dilated, and also to keep on top of any nasty surprises. Like feet instead of a head, that happened to me. Anyway, if you need or want anything, like pain relief, a shower to help ease the pain, a heat pack, some water, or just want to walk around a bit, all you have to do is ask. Be aware that not everything will be possible, it could be too late for certain pain relieving drugs. That sucks! Labour pains are sort of like your worst period cramps ever, then multiply that by a thousand. The thing to remember is that it is pain with a purpose, and that it does end. You will come to a point where you swear you need to go do a poo. they will not let you anywhere near a toilet, because it's just baby's head pressing on your bowels, and if you did try to poo, you could end up pushing your baby into the toilet!! But birth is not very far away at all, when you feel like this, it's time to push! It's difficult to describe HOW to push, i guess it's kinda like pushing out the biggest crap of your life. when baby starts to crown, it feels like a stretching, burning sensation. I found this to be less painful than contractions, but that's just me. getting the head out is definitely the hardest bit, followed by the shoulders, but then bub just slides right out. You will feel soooo relieved after all that. But it doesn't end there, you still have a placenta to get out. you'll still be contracting, but nowhere near as intensely. It pretty much slides out too, with very little pushing. It feels kind of like a large blood clot. (With my first, the placenta didn't come out on its own, even with drugs to make it come out, they had to take me in to theatre and get it out manually. They knocked me out completely for this)
As for a c-section, this is often portrayed as being the easy option, but the reality is so far from that it's not funny. If it's a scheduled c-section, they'll take you in and prep you for surgery. then they'll pop an epidural in your back, which can hurt, but after that you don't feel a thing for about 3-4 hours. they put a screen up across your belly, so you can't see the gory stuff. They rub ice over you to make sure you can't feel anything, and paint your belly with some sort of anti-bacterial cleanser. They won't say when they're about put the scalpel in or anything, but they will let you know that they've already started. The whole procedure seems a lot more civilized and orderly than a vaginal birth.
In the event of an emergency c-section... welcome to hell. You will be contracting away, already in the worst pain you're ever likely to experience, then some unfeeling doctor will be trying to get you to keep still while they stick an epidural in your back. Yeah, right! After they get the epidural in, you can't feel a thing. It's pure bliss, until the anaesthetic wears off.
The difference is that with a c-section you won't be able to hold your baby straight away. You will itch something chronic. and when the anaesthetic wears off, it will HURT. The midwives on the ward will try and get you to sit up as soon as possible. For me, this was the most excruciating pain i have ever endured, even worse than childbirth. I was too scared to stand up, i honestly felt like my wound was going to come open and all my insides were gonna fall out onto the floor. That can't happen though. You will need help to shower for at least the first 2 days after a c-section. it's pretty difficult to walk about too, i had to be wheeled everywhere for 5 days. I then found out that my pain was due to an infection in my wound!! it was pretty much non-stop drama for me, but not everyone goes through that much pain.
Personally, i much prefer a vaginal birth over a c-section. The only real discomforts after a vaginal birth are afterpains, which feel pretty much like bad period cramps, but they're bearable, and you should be offered painkillers for that. Also going to the toilet the first few days, it will probably sting a little, due to grazes on baby's way out, but these are unavoidable. Drink LOTS of water, to dilute your urine. The midwives can also give you a urine neutralizing drink, which will help. c-sections are difficult to recover from. it takes at least 6 weeks to fully recover. You won't be able to drive for a few weeks either. In hospital, they will offer you LOTS of strong painkillers. TAKE THEM!!!!
Please remember that these have been my personal experiences only, for you it may be better, or it could be worse (let's hope not though!!) I hope i didn't scare you too much. i wish you all the best, and good luck!!
Reply:My first baby was born via C section because she was breech. She was the 7 pounder, I had a V-BAC (vaginal birth after cesearean) the second time -- with a 9 pounder. Ugh. Anyway, after I recovered from the c-section I felt it was the greatest thing ever that is until I delivered naturally. The c-section took a lot out of me physically of course. The recovery wasn't bad, just slow. The worst part really was right after. I felt groggy for a bit. Then I had to be on a liquid diet for a bit until my insides returned to normal.
With the second baby the labor and delivery were the hard part but the recovery was a piece of cake. I was up immediately and while they were cleaning him up I was ordering food. I was starving! I was much more in tune and alert. I felt like a true cave woman and am so grateful for the experience.
I will never be one of those woman who thinks that everyone should enjoy pushing a baby out. I always got annoyed at those who said I really didn't "give birth" since I had a C. Bull. The end result is the same for both, all you want is a healthy baby and a healthy recovery.
C-sections though very common are still major surgery. My advice is to talk things through very well with your doctor. Personally I would try the vaginal route first and see what happens. You could go easily or you could end up with a C, you just never know. I wouldn't trade my experience of a vaginal birth for anything. It was wonderful, sure it was hard, but it was amazing.
Also remember, every woman that has given birth has a story. Some are good and some are bad. Make sure you do a wide poll before making a decision. People love to tell the horror stories from either way of having a baby. Don't let those scare you.
Good luck to you and congratulations on your pregnancy.
Reply:If you can deliver natural, i say GO FOR IT! I went 19hrs into labor, then rushed c-section...my son just wasn't descending. Not only that, my epidural wore off the last 4 hrs of that labor... not a very good feeling, I've never cried harder in my life! The spinal epidural didn't work either when they went to do my c-section, so they had to put me under... it was my first experience with all of this, and very scary. When I woke up, I had to have an oxygen mask on me- which I am claustrophobic, so it was frightening for me- which I think is weird...but being woken up to a mask on me felt weird, and I also felt like I couldn't breathe... anyways, when they moved me to my room, and when I actually had to move to the other bed, I felt like I had been cut in half!!!! OH MY GOODNESS the pain was horrible! The very next day, they expected me to get up and walk- which made me very dizzy- had to have water and ice chips at all times.... also, if you do have a c-section, roll up the white hospital blanket, and use that for pressure on your incision... especially when you cough, sneeze, laugh, or even walk... it helps! But yes, it was terrible pains for the first 2 months.... now I still get pains here and there where my incision is, but it's not nearly as bad... but it reminds me of that pain I was in. So I'm scared, and pray I can have a natural birth next time. My baby weighed 9lbs 10oz, and I'm smaller, so he just didn't fit resulting in my c-section...they said next time at 36 weeks they will give me an ultrasound to see where I'm at and then go from there.
Goodluck, i really advise on natural if you can. If you get the epidural and it works the entire time, you won't feel too much- just pressure.... I was giggling with my dad- he made me laugh a lot during my labor when the epidural was working.
Reply:go natural if you can (i mean if there are no health risks involved in using that method). I've done it twice and the 2nd one was so easy. Baby is born, couple hours later I'm walking around the recuperation room waiting to be discharged. And like the other girl said, you dont want to be taking care of the scar of c section, your baby, and you super sore chapped nipples from breastfeeding. One less thing to worry about.
Reply:Ive had 3 natural births and It was great because afterwards I was fine again and able to move around immediatley. With my first 2 it was a little more difficult because Ihad to have the episiotomy, but with the 3rd I didnt have one and I was in no pain afterwards at all. With a C section you have to heal and it just seems like a pain to have that and take care of a baby. If you have to have it then fine, you cant help that, but if you are looking for an elective C section, I wouldnt do that.
check out thiese videos
Reply:I don't know anything about natural delivery, but I have had two c-sections in the last 2 years. The last one being a month ago. During a c-section they are going to first numb you from the upper-mid back down. Usually using a spinal or an epidural. Then they are going to strap you down to an operating table with your arms out. A curtian will be up so that you cant see anything that is happening. If you have some one with you in the operating room they will be sitting up by your head. They will then procede to cut open your lower abdomen usually its about 4-6 inches of a cut. The baby will be taken out along with the afterbirth and what not. They will take the baby and get him or her cleaned up enough and let you see him or her really quick then finish what they need to do with the baby. Next they will start to sew you back up and you will have staples put in. After that you will be taken to recovery to regain feeling from your anistetic. They may bring in the baby for you to hold and see. Then your sent to your room to start the recovery process.
It really isnt all that bad. This was my experience with it, some hospitals may differ but probably not by much. Good luck if you go this way! And congratulations on your soon to be new arrival!
Reply:what really happens is that yes you guessed it you have a baby lol
please dont get the c section if medicaly possible as its major abdominal surgery you can bleed to death ect there are way less risks involved with a vaginal delivery you will be up and walking with in hours with a c section its not usually untill the next day and its so incredible painful to laugh sneeze caough talk ect
please take my advice go the vaginal i am from australia and you americans have such a high c section rate its unbeleivable why is this?
the reason i no all this is because i am a midwife i see tons of ladies go through deleveries everyday the vaginal is an alround best dont take the easy way out you wil regret it
What is the proper why to install an a/c compressor clutch on a 1996 Jeep Cherokee Sport 4wd with a 4.0 engine
As soon as i turn the a/c on after installing a good used a/c clutch the clutch asymbly throws sparks and heats up. It has done it twice with 2 good used clutch asemblys. I need to know what I'm doing wrong. I'd greatly appreciately your help.
What is the proper why to install an a/c compressor clutch on a 1996 Jeep Cherokee Sport 4wd with a 4.0 engine
You have a Sanden compressor. Go to this site at Sanden.
Good Luck
Reply:make sure you have the correct air gap when you get it assembled. there are little shims on the shaft that go on before the clutch plate that sets the gap,
What is the proper why to install an a/c compressor clutch on a 1996 Jeep Cherokee Sport 4wd with a 4.0 engine
You have a Sanden compressor. Go to this site at Sanden.
Good Luck
Reply:make sure you have the correct air gap when you get it assembled. there are little shims on the shaft that go on before the clutch plate that sets the gap,
What kind of sentence does Class C felony bulgary carry in indiana?
He is facing Class C Felony Bulgary in Indiana, if anyone could help me figure out what he might be facing.
What kind of sentence does Class C felony bulgary carry in indiana?
IC 35-50-2-5
Class B felony
Sec. 5. A person who commits a Class B felony shall be imprisoned for a fixed term of between six (6) and twenty (20) years, with the advisory sentence being ten (10) years. In addition, the person may be fined not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000).
Are you sure it's a Class "C" Felony? What did he allegedly break into?
IC 35-43-2-1
Sec. 1. A person who breaks and enters the building or structure of another person, with intent to commit a felony in it, commits burglary, a Class C felony. However, the offense is:
(1) a Class B felony if:
(A) it is committed while armed with a deadly weapon; or
(B) the building or structure is a:
(i) dwelling; or
(ii) structure used for religious worship;
Reply:Don't know what Bulgary is But Class C burglary might be a Mr. Meaner lol
What kind of sentence does Class C felony bulgary carry in indiana?
IC 35-50-2-5
Class B felony
Sec. 5. A person who commits a Class B felony shall be imprisoned for a fixed term of between six (6) and twenty (20) years, with the advisory sentence being ten (10) years. In addition, the person may be fined not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000).
Are you sure it's a Class "C" Felony? What did he allegedly break into?
IC 35-43-2-1
Sec. 1. A person who breaks and enters the building or structure of another person, with intent to commit a felony in it, commits burglary, a Class C felony. However, the offense is:
(1) a Class B felony if:
(A) it is committed while armed with a deadly weapon; or
(B) the building or structure is a:
(i) dwelling; or
(ii) structure used for religious worship;
Reply:Don't know what Bulgary is But Class C burglary might be a Mr. Meaner lol
If unsaturated air at 23 degrees C were to rise, what would its temperature be at 500 meters?
If the dew point temperature at the condensation level were 13 degrees C, at what altitude would clouds begin to form?
If unsaturated air at 23 degrees C were to rise, what would its temperature be at 500 meters?
Use thermodynamic equation for an adiabetic change
PT^gamma= constant
where gamma is the ratio or cp and cv called degree of freedom.
Calculate pressure at 500m
let height of atmosphere be H
760mm is directly proportional to H,
x mm is directly proportional to (H-500)
H is about 8000m
so calculate it from here and put in the equation of adiabetic change
gamma for air is 1.4.
Good luck
flowers online
If unsaturated air at 23 degrees C were to rise, what would its temperature be at 500 meters?
Use thermodynamic equation for an adiabetic change
PT^gamma= constant
where gamma is the ratio or cp and cv called degree of freedom.
Calculate pressure at 500m
let height of atmosphere be H
760mm is directly proportional to H,
x mm is directly proportional to (H-500)
H is about 8000m
so calculate it from here and put in the equation of adiabetic change
gamma for air is 1.4.
Good luck
flowers online
Should I leave my A/C on all day, or shut it off when I leave and cool it down when I come home?
Basically with electricity prices the way they are, I'm wondering if it's better to leave my A/C on all day when I'm not there, or shutting it off when I go to work and turning it on when I come home.
Should I leave my A/C on all day, or shut it off when I leave and cool it down when I come home?
I shut mine off if I'm gone a long time. Leave it running on very low if gone a short time. Once you get the house cooled down, you can set it lower and not use as much power. Also, a lot of new units have power saver features, and thermostats that turn them off and on. New appliances are always more energy efficient. So replace that old dog of an A/C soon!
Reply:when im gone during day i set the stat to 78-80, if you turn it off, not only does the a/c have to cool the heated house off, it first has to cool the duct work carring the air into rooms. so then takes forever to cool, and at night dont set below 73 usually, its a cooler and easly maintained temp. anything less and you risk freezing the a/c due to lack or heat in air.
Reply:leave it on at a highter temp.maybe at 77 it will cost you more to cool the house
Reply:buy the outlet timers for appliances then set them to start an hour before you arrive thats a tip from the electric co
Reply:Best solution is to get a programmable thremostat. This way you can have it turn off when you leae and turn on about half an hour before you get home. you come home to a cool house and save electric when your not there
Reply:better to leave it on at a high setting...takes less time and energy use if you leave it on then to turn it off and restart it when u get home
Reply:A programable thermostat is a good idea. Also make sure you close ALL blinds and windows before you leave to keep the house cool. If you are going to open any windows when you come home, make sure you only open windows and doors that are already shaded.--don't open anything where the sun is shining in.
Reply:I would never leave anything plugged in or running while away for long periods too much could go wrong
Reply:You should never turn it off , just turn it up. That way it only comes on a few times a day, while your gone. it will maintain a temp much warmer than you have as comfortable( while there but doesn't get so hot that it has to run continually when you get home and put it at the cooler setting. That causes it to work harder (it is hard on the unit) and you have to sit in the heat that much longer waiting on it to get cool.
Reply:It has already been mentioned in an earlier reply but the best thing to do is just to raise the temperature setting when you are away and turn it back down when you return home. You do not want to shut it off all the way.
Reply:cutt it on aoutomatic. Put on around 72 or so. keep it at this year round to save money!
Reply:If you turn off the AC, when you get home you will 1) jolt the power back on. 2) when you turn it on, it will need to cool the entire room (and all its belongings in the room ) from a higher than normal temp and thus be on for a longer time at maximum for longer.
I would recomend highering the temp from 68 to 74 during the day and ease up on the cooling cycles. You'll save some $$ without the daily jolt and strain on your A/C.
Should I leave my A/C on all day, or shut it off when I leave and cool it down when I come home?
I shut mine off if I'm gone a long time. Leave it running on very low if gone a short time. Once you get the house cooled down, you can set it lower and not use as much power. Also, a lot of new units have power saver features, and thermostats that turn them off and on. New appliances are always more energy efficient. So replace that old dog of an A/C soon!
Reply:when im gone during day i set the stat to 78-80, if you turn it off, not only does the a/c have to cool the heated house off, it first has to cool the duct work carring the air into rooms. so then takes forever to cool, and at night dont set below 73 usually, its a cooler and easly maintained temp. anything less and you risk freezing the a/c due to lack or heat in air.
Reply:leave it on at a highter temp.maybe at 77 it will cost you more to cool the house
Reply:buy the outlet timers for appliances then set them to start an hour before you arrive thats a tip from the electric co
Reply:Best solution is to get a programmable thremostat. This way you can have it turn off when you leae and turn on about half an hour before you get home. you come home to a cool house and save electric when your not there
Reply:better to leave it on at a high setting...takes less time and energy use if you leave it on then to turn it off and restart it when u get home
Reply:A programable thermostat is a good idea. Also make sure you close ALL blinds and windows before you leave to keep the house cool. If you are going to open any windows when you come home, make sure you only open windows and doors that are already shaded.--don't open anything where the sun is shining in.
Reply:I would never leave anything plugged in or running while away for long periods too much could go wrong
Reply:You should never turn it off , just turn it up. That way it only comes on a few times a day, while your gone. it will maintain a temp much warmer than you have as comfortable( while there but doesn't get so hot that it has to run continually when you get home and put it at the cooler setting. That causes it to work harder (it is hard on the unit) and you have to sit in the heat that much longer waiting on it to get cool.
Reply:It has already been mentioned in an earlier reply but the best thing to do is just to raise the temperature setting when you are away and turn it back down when you return home. You do not want to shut it off all the way.
Reply:cutt it on aoutomatic. Put on around 72 or so. keep it at this year round to save money!
Reply:If you turn off the AC, when you get home you will 1) jolt the power back on. 2) when you turn it on, it will need to cool the entire room (and all its belongings in the room ) from a higher than normal temp and thus be on for a longer time at maximum for longer.
I would recomend highering the temp from 68 to 74 during the day and ease up on the cooling cycles. You'll save some $$ without the daily jolt and strain on your A/C.
How do you get a class C license?
I have had my class D for a year now. I'm 17 but turning 18 this summer. I was just wondering how do I upgrade to a class C because I'm sick on not being able to be on the roads after midnight!
How do you get a class C license?
Go to your states department of motor vehicles website.
Reply:I'm from Oklahoma and a class C license is for driving commercial vehicles, like box trucks. I have always had a class D license and have never had to be off the roads before midnight, what state do you live in because it must be different
Reply:whats class D?, im only 16 and already have a class C. Maybe its because i live in california
Reply:the only place that can revise the status of a drivers license is the Dept. of Motor Vehicles for your area
Reply:when you become 18 most states automatically upgrade you,and mail out a different license,or you get notified by mail,some states,wont do it ,if you have had a lot of tickets,or accidents,some states even make you wait till your 21,depends on the state,and the local guidelines they go by.
How do you get a class C license?
Go to your states department of motor vehicles website.
Reply:I'm from Oklahoma and a class C license is for driving commercial vehicles, like box trucks. I have always had a class D license and have never had to be off the roads before midnight, what state do you live in because it must be different
Reply:whats class D?, im only 16 and already have a class C. Maybe its because i live in california
Reply:the only place that can revise the status of a drivers license is the Dept. of Motor Vehicles for your area
Reply:when you become 18 most states automatically upgrade you,and mail out a different license,or you get notified by mail,some states,wont do it ,if you have had a lot of tickets,or accidents,some states even make you wait till your 21,depends on the state,and the local guidelines they go by.
What is recovery from a c section like when you are over weight?
I am scheduled for a c section tommorow and I am obese with a abdominal fold that hangs over the incision site. Any one else gone through this?
What is recovery from a c section like when you are over weight?
there is a chance that the skin could get infected, and never heal properly due to the fold. make sure it is always clean. you really should talk to your doctor about this. he/she should be able to tell you everything. i did, however hear a story while i was in Medical Assisting school that my teacher told us what she has experienced. a women was over weight, and her incision never healed, and it got really infected, and the doctor had to pack it with dressing because it never healed. not trying to scare you, but it can happen.
Reply:My older sister was a little heavy when she had her c-section and her recovery as most c-section recovery was slow but did perfectly fine. Don't worry you should be fine.
Reply:Personally I haven't, but I've worked in an ER for over five years and let me tell you-it is SUPER important for you to keep that scar nice and clean-otherwise you will be in tremendous pain and get stuck going into the ER with an infection. Just keep it SUPER clean, you can use a q-tip to get inbetween hard areas [they have q-tips with a long wooden handle to help if you can't reach] and use hydrogen peroxide-if that's too strong and it burns too much dilute it with WARM water. Not more than a 50/50 mix though. Believe me, you don't want to make recovery time any longer for you or worse, so just take the time to clean that scar up as much as you can. Other than that-don't do any strenous activities that might pull or hurt your abdomen. Your doctor will definitely let you know what to do or what not to do. Good luck.
Reply:Many people are extremely overweight--especially when pregnant. I don't think that your recovery should take longer than anyone elses. I wish you the best!!!
Reply:email me at jerik22@yahoo.com to discuss this...i don't want to post such a personal answer on here.
Reply:Yes, three times in fact. I have had 3 c-sections, and depending on the complications (if any) and your health post surgery will determine your recovery. I would recomend a couple of things, First, relax, stressing yourself out is going to add to the recovery process(in a negative way). Also, try to be positive about what you can and cannot do. Don't overlook the nurses for help, they are there to assist you in recovery..take advantage of their 24 hr. services. Also, try to move, even if it is baby steps as soon as you can. Yes, you will be worn out, yes it may hurt, but it will help you to get your strength back.
Also, being overweight you will have an increased chance of your incision getting irritated and fungus getting in their and irritating you. Easy fixes: roll a soft washcloth or receiving blanket up and place it over the incision, this will act as a barrier and will soak up any sweat. Also, anti-fungal powders after you get home help their too. A nurse also told me to drink cranberry juices instead of orange, as they are anti-oxidants that will help with fighting infections.
The most important thing...ENJOY being a new Mom. Congrats to you and your family!! I hope I have helped you. Good luck.
What is recovery from a c section like when you are over weight?
there is a chance that the skin could get infected, and never heal properly due to the fold. make sure it is always clean. you really should talk to your doctor about this. he/she should be able to tell you everything. i did, however hear a story while i was in Medical Assisting school that my teacher told us what she has experienced. a women was over weight, and her incision never healed, and it got really infected, and the doctor had to pack it with dressing because it never healed. not trying to scare you, but it can happen.
Reply:My older sister was a little heavy when she had her c-section and her recovery as most c-section recovery was slow but did perfectly fine. Don't worry you should be fine.
Reply:Personally I haven't, but I've worked in an ER for over five years and let me tell you-it is SUPER important for you to keep that scar nice and clean-otherwise you will be in tremendous pain and get stuck going into the ER with an infection. Just keep it SUPER clean, you can use a q-tip to get inbetween hard areas [they have q-tips with a long wooden handle to help if you can't reach] and use hydrogen peroxide-if that's too strong and it burns too much dilute it with WARM water. Not more than a 50/50 mix though. Believe me, you don't want to make recovery time any longer for you or worse, so just take the time to clean that scar up as much as you can. Other than that-don't do any strenous activities that might pull or hurt your abdomen. Your doctor will definitely let you know what to do or what not to do. Good luck.
Reply:Many people are extremely overweight--especially when pregnant. I don't think that your recovery should take longer than anyone elses. I wish you the best!!!
Reply:email me at jerik22@yahoo.com to discuss this...i don't want to post such a personal answer on here.
Reply:Yes, three times in fact. I have had 3 c-sections, and depending on the complications (if any) and your health post surgery will determine your recovery. I would recomend a couple of things, First, relax, stressing yourself out is going to add to the recovery process(in a negative way). Also, try to be positive about what you can and cannot do. Don't overlook the nurses for help, they are there to assist you in recovery..take advantage of their 24 hr. services. Also, try to move, even if it is baby steps as soon as you can. Yes, you will be worn out, yes it may hurt, but it will help you to get your strength back.
Also, being overweight you will have an increased chance of your incision getting irritated and fungus getting in their and irritating you. Easy fixes: roll a soft washcloth or receiving blanket up and place it over the incision, this will act as a barrier and will soak up any sweat. Also, anti-fungal powders after you get home help their too. A nurse also told me to drink cranberry juices instead of orange, as they are anti-oxidants that will help with fighting infections.
The most important thing...ENJOY being a new Mom. Congrats to you and your family!! I hope I have helped you. Good luck.
What is the hybridization of C atoms that make only single bonds?
I'm trying to work this online homework thing for organic chemistry, and it keeps asking me, "What is the hybridization of C atoms that make only single bonds?" I thought it would sp, but I keep getting the wrong answer. Anyone have any ideas?
What is the hybridization of C atoms that make only single bonds?
It should be sp3. The reason is that, when C makes only single bonds, it needs four bonds to fulfill the octet rule. To get four equivalent bonds, you need to hybridize four orbitals, giving you sp3.
Reply:Yes, sp3 allows for four single bonds and tetraedric geometry.
Reply:Those single bonds are sp3
flower seeds
I'm trying to work this online homework thing for organic chemistry, and it keeps asking me, "What is the hybridization of C atoms that make only single bonds?" I thought it would sp, but I keep getting the wrong answer. Anyone have any ideas?
What is the hybridization of C atoms that make only single bonds?
It should be sp3. The reason is that, when C makes only single bonds, it needs four bonds to fulfill the octet rule. To get four equivalent bonds, you need to hybridize four orbitals, giving you sp3.
Reply:Yes, sp3 allows for four single bonds and tetraedric geometry.
Reply:Those single bonds are sp3
flower seeds
How or where can I find out how many tons my air handler is rated for? A/C problem?
I am having trouble with my A/C. The blue pressure [and I may have this backwards] or freon pressure is 70psi, but the head pressure, or red gauge is at or close to 250psi and there is no leaks that I can find, the filter is clear, intake registers are all clear, the condensing unit outside is clean and free of obstruction. All of the dampers are fully open and airflow seems to be good [from all the vents], but id does not blow cold air. Instead, the coil freezes over. I have been told this could be due to a low freon/coolant pressure, or air obstruction but as far as I can tell along with the A/C service person it is not. He says I need a new system, but I am not convinced because though my system is a 10 seer system, it is only 7 years old. It doesn't look like I can access the underside of the coil to inspect it without tearing apart the air handler, so do I need a new one? Or can the coil be removed and serviced?
I would really appreciate any input and thanks in advance.
How or where can I find out how many tons my air handler is rated for? A/C problem?
Check your air flow; make sure the belt is good if its belt driven, or the blower is tight on the shaft if it direct drive. Also check the the blower is not excessively clogged with dirt; this will decrease your air movement. You will need to check the evap coil for dirt or blockage also, do this ASAP. With those pressures, it is probably R22 for refrigerant, and they sound good. I think it is air flow, but it also can be air in the closed system, which would involve recovering the refrigerant,, changing the drier, putting a vacuum pump on it, and recharging it. Air exerts its own seperate pressure, and can give higher than normal readings.
Reply:Check the model number. They go by 12's. If you see a 24 in it it's a 2 ton. 30= 2.5, 36=3 and so on.
I would get a second opinion. There's so many electrical points that could go bad. I doubt you need a new system.
Reply:It sure sounds like an air flow or low freon problem. You may want to check to make sure the condensate drain is not plugged that can cause water to collect on the coil and freeze. To find the tonnage look for the model # on the unit and look it up on their website.
12,000 BTU per ton
400 CFM per ton
This info may actually be on the unit. This should be enough to figure out the tonnage. You can pull the coil to service it but usually there isnt much to service on a coil unless it is leaking.
Reply:Have the repair person evacuate the system,replace the drier, evacuate (leave on a vacuum pump 5 hours) recharge the system.
Reply:It could be low refrigerant but, if the suction pressure is 70psi and it's an R22 system, it should not be freezing. 70psi on the low side equals a saturated evaporator temperature of 41°. That means it would be impossible to freeze water on the coil. If the coil is flooding and there is a lot of pressure drop in the suction line you could see frost near the compressor.
Those pressures actually sound pretty good. On a really hot day that head pressure (250psi) might even sound a little on the low side if it's 100° outside.
Your numbers do not sound right for freezing the coil. Make sure everything is clean before you go any further. Maybe your filter is clean, but your evaporator is actually dirty anyway.
It's possible for dirt to build on an evaporator even if the filter has been change on a regular basis. Especially if you have been buying the 99 cent filters for the last 7 years.
With those kind of pressures and that kind of air flow nothing you are saying is making any sense. The air should be cool and there should be no frost. You need to redo your pressure checks.
I would really appreciate any input and thanks in advance.
How or where can I find out how many tons my air handler is rated for? A/C problem?
Check your air flow; make sure the belt is good if its belt driven, or the blower is tight on the shaft if it direct drive. Also check the the blower is not excessively clogged with dirt; this will decrease your air movement. You will need to check the evap coil for dirt or blockage also, do this ASAP. With those pressures, it is probably R22 for refrigerant, and they sound good. I think it is air flow, but it also can be air in the closed system, which would involve recovering the refrigerant,, changing the drier, putting a vacuum pump on it, and recharging it. Air exerts its own seperate pressure, and can give higher than normal readings.
Reply:Check the model number. They go by 12's. If you see a 24 in it it's a 2 ton. 30= 2.5, 36=3 and so on.
I would get a second opinion. There's so many electrical points that could go bad. I doubt you need a new system.
Reply:It sure sounds like an air flow or low freon problem. You may want to check to make sure the condensate drain is not plugged that can cause water to collect on the coil and freeze. To find the tonnage look for the model # on the unit and look it up on their website.
12,000 BTU per ton
400 CFM per ton
This info may actually be on the unit. This should be enough to figure out the tonnage. You can pull the coil to service it but usually there isnt much to service on a coil unless it is leaking.
Reply:Have the repair person evacuate the system,replace the drier, evacuate (leave on a vacuum pump 5 hours) recharge the system.
Reply:It could be low refrigerant but, if the suction pressure is 70psi and it's an R22 system, it should not be freezing. 70psi on the low side equals a saturated evaporator temperature of 41°. That means it would be impossible to freeze water on the coil. If the coil is flooding and there is a lot of pressure drop in the suction line you could see frost near the compressor.
Those pressures actually sound pretty good. On a really hot day that head pressure (250psi) might even sound a little on the low side if it's 100° outside.
Your numbers do not sound right for freezing the coil. Make sure everything is clean before you go any further. Maybe your filter is clean, but your evaporator is actually dirty anyway.
It's possible for dirt to build on an evaporator even if the filter has been change on a regular basis. Especially if you have been buying the 99 cent filters for the last 7 years.
With those kind of pressures and that kind of air flow nothing you are saying is making any sense. The air should be cool and there should be no frost. You need to redo your pressure checks.
How long after a D&C should you start your Period?
I had a D%26amp;C about a month ago and was just wondering when i will start my period
How long after a D%26amp;C should you start your Period?
It took me a little more than 5 weeks to start my period. Two weeks later I concieved my 2nd child. But I went off of my Dr.'s reccomendations that there was no reason we couldn't start trying right away. One of my best friends was told to wait 2 months before trying again because of some fibroids they found.
Reply:what is D%26amp;C? i presume that you just gave birth to a baby. there is no standard time frame of when you will have your period. as for my experience, it will start within the next 2 months.
How long after a D%26amp;C should you start your Period?
It took me a little more than 5 weeks to start my period. Two weeks later I concieved my 2nd child. But I went off of my Dr.'s reccomendations that there was no reason we couldn't start trying right away. One of my best friends was told to wait 2 months before trying again because of some fibroids they found.
Reply:what is D%26amp;C? i presume that you just gave birth to a baby. there is no standard time frame of when you will have your period. as for my experience, it will start within the next 2 months.
How long after I have a C-section can i feel my stomach again?
I had a c-section in the beginning of June, and I haven't been able to feel my lower stomach because all the nerve endings were cut. I still can't feel anything there, though. How long until i have full sensation again?
How long after I have a C-section can i feel my stomach again?
It will take a little while. I would say up to 6 months. I had a C-section and where my scar is there is no feeling still and my section was in 2005.
Reply:mine was done 3 months ago july 18 2007 and i can feel everything theyre arent any numb spots
Reply:It took me 6 months after both C's. Your recovery %26amp; restoration back to normal sensation depends on the healing nature of your own body and the skillfulness of the OB surgeon that performed your C. Hope this helps.
Reply:I had a C-section with my youngest (she's now 5-1/2) and there are still some spots that have barely any feeling.
Reply:I had a c-section 6 years ago and it is still numb where they cut me.
How long after I have a C-section can i feel my stomach again?
It will take a little while. I would say up to 6 months. I had a C-section and where my scar is there is no feeling still and my section was in 2005.
Reply:mine was done 3 months ago july 18 2007 and i can feel everything theyre arent any numb spots
Reply:It took me 6 months after both C's. Your recovery %26amp; restoration back to normal sensation depends on the healing nature of your own body and the skillfulness of the OB surgeon that performed your C. Hope this helps.
Reply:I had a C-section with my youngest (she's now 5-1/2) and there are still some spots that have barely any feeling.
Reply:I had a c-section 6 years ago and it is still numb where they cut me.
How bad is running the A/C for the environment / energy efficiency?
I've decided to turn off the A/C in my 2 bedroom apt and stick with fans, hoping to conserve energy. But if I am running 3 fans (+ 1 ceiling fan) on high 24/7 is it still better than powering the central air?
How bad is running the A/C for the environment / energy efficiency?
Yes, 4 fans use less power than the A/C. A fan uses about 100 watts or less. The A/C uses 1,000 watts or more. My central A/C uses 5,000 watts! But do not run the fans in an empty room. Fans do not cool the air. A thermometer in a room will not go down even one degree when the fan is on. Fans only help the human body to cool itself better by enhancing evaporation from the skin. If you cannot feel the breeze from the fan, it isn't doing any good at all. A fan running at any speed in a room with no people in it is just a waste of electricity. Last person out of the room turns the fan off and the first one back in the room can turn it on.
Reply:By the way, I would like to know how much per hour it takes to run a unit such as the Kenmore Model 580 Series which I believe puts out 8,000 Btu's. Report It
Reply:A typical 8,000 BTU A/C uses about 800 watts. That is 0.8 kilowatts. So in one hour it uses 0.8 kwh. My electric rate is about 8.5 cents per kwh, so that unit would cost me about 7 cents per hour to run. Report It
Reply:It's cheaper than the cost of a heat stroke.
Reply:I don`t really care... My province has one nuclear power station for street lightning, and the rest is hydropower!!!
But as far as you are concerned, A/C don't really used more power than fans! Since the thermal exchange is supply by a pump and a fan... So you end up using 2 engines in the same device. And you are using 3 fans... Which mean you use more energy than using only your A/C
Reply:Check the wattage of each appliance and compare. Note, though, that an air-conditioner compressor cycles on and off, and rarely runs 100% of the time. For a true comparison use a watt-hour meter (~$30-$50) that integrates power and time.
My off-the-cuff guesstimate:
Each fan uses ~80 W and runs perhaps 12 hr/day, for ~90 kW/hr per month.
A 5,000 BTU (~5 megajoule) (a small room air conditioner), EER of 10, might use 700 W with compressor on, 100 W with just fan. If it averages 50% duty cycle (~400 W avg.) and is on 12 hr/day, then it would run ~150 kW/hr per month.
BTW, I sometimes use one room air conditioner to cool the whole house, but need to run a fan or two between rooms. Using a small air conditioner lowers humidity more effectively than using an oversize unit, which is more important in the the climate in which I live.
Reply:Well, you didn't tell us what kinds of fans and everyone seems to be assuming they're small ones. You can probably use a combination of the two to keep things comfortable, conserve energy and mitigate environmental impacts. Use the A/C to bring the temp down, then turn it off and use the fans to keep the cool air distributed evenly. But also keep the curtains or blinds drawn on the sunny side of the house to keep the inside air from heating up again.
But to be safe, check your fans and air conditioner with the ratings offered by Consumer Reports or another consumer group. And consider this advise from the Consumer Reports site:
"And before you put on a cotton sweater to ward off a slight chill from the AC in summer, consider that for every degree you raise the thermostat setting, you can expect to cut your cooling costs by at least 3 percent."
Reply:Air conditioning uses an enormous amount of electricty, which results in most cases in large amounts of carbon and other pollutants being emitted into the air as the power is generated.
Reply:It'll cost you more money on your electrical bill, that's about it. It's not going to destroy the environment, that's a bunch of BS.
How bad is running the A/C for the environment / energy efficiency?
Yes, 4 fans use less power than the A/C. A fan uses about 100 watts or less. The A/C uses 1,000 watts or more. My central A/C uses 5,000 watts! But do not run the fans in an empty room. Fans do not cool the air. A thermometer in a room will not go down even one degree when the fan is on. Fans only help the human body to cool itself better by enhancing evaporation from the skin. If you cannot feel the breeze from the fan, it isn't doing any good at all. A fan running at any speed in a room with no people in it is just a waste of electricity. Last person out of the room turns the fan off and the first one back in the room can turn it on.
Reply:By the way, I would like to know how much per hour it takes to run a unit such as the Kenmore Model 580 Series which I believe puts out 8,000 Btu's. Report It
Reply:A typical 8,000 BTU A/C uses about 800 watts. That is 0.8 kilowatts. So in one hour it uses 0.8 kwh. My electric rate is about 8.5 cents per kwh, so that unit would cost me about 7 cents per hour to run. Report It
Reply:It's cheaper than the cost of a heat stroke.
Reply:I don`t really care... My province has one nuclear power station for street lightning, and the rest is hydropower!!!
But as far as you are concerned, A/C don't really used more power than fans! Since the thermal exchange is supply by a pump and a fan... So you end up using 2 engines in the same device. And you are using 3 fans... Which mean you use more energy than using only your A/C
Reply:Check the wattage of each appliance and compare. Note, though, that an air-conditioner compressor cycles on and off, and rarely runs 100% of the time. For a true comparison use a watt-hour meter (~$30-$50) that integrates power and time.
My off-the-cuff guesstimate:
Each fan uses ~80 W and runs perhaps 12 hr/day, for ~90 kW/hr per month.
A 5,000 BTU (~5 megajoule) (a small room air conditioner), EER of 10, might use 700 W with compressor on, 100 W with just fan. If it averages 50% duty cycle (~400 W avg.) and is on 12 hr/day, then it would run ~150 kW/hr per month.
BTW, I sometimes use one room air conditioner to cool the whole house, but need to run a fan or two between rooms. Using a small air conditioner lowers humidity more effectively than using an oversize unit, which is more important in the the climate in which I live.
Reply:Well, you didn't tell us what kinds of fans and everyone seems to be assuming they're small ones. You can probably use a combination of the two to keep things comfortable, conserve energy and mitigate environmental impacts. Use the A/C to bring the temp down, then turn it off and use the fans to keep the cool air distributed evenly. But also keep the curtains or blinds drawn on the sunny side of the house to keep the inside air from heating up again.
But to be safe, check your fans and air conditioner with the ratings offered by Consumer Reports or another consumer group. And consider this advise from the Consumer Reports site:
"And before you put on a cotton sweater to ward off a slight chill from the AC in summer, consider that for every degree you raise the thermostat setting, you can expect to cut your cooling costs by at least 3 percent."
Reply:Air conditioning uses an enormous amount of electricty, which results in most cases in large amounts of carbon and other pollutants being emitted into the air as the power is generated.
Reply:It'll cost you more money on your electrical bill, that's about it. It's not going to destroy the environment, that's a bunch of BS.
Programmable thermostat-- should i purchase one built by the same company that my a/c is?
I'm ready to save money with a programmable thermostat. I have an old boiler (radiator heat) and a brand new Trane central air conditioner system, installed in January of this year. Is there any advantage to buying a Trane programmable thermostat over another brand thermostat (since my a/c is Trane)? Any disadvantages?
Programmable thermostat-- should i purchase one built by the same company that my a/c is?
I am not an expert in this field, but I have recently replaced my thermostat and can give a little advice. When I changed thermostats I did some research and realized that basically all of them are interchangeable. Most likely the wiring that you are going to have to plug the new thermostat in to is not going to relate to your new Trane AC system anyway. They probably just hooked the new AC system up to your old electrical wiring. So when you put the new thermostat in, you are gonna need to get someone that knows what they are doing to make sure its wired properly. If you are very patient and have some skill in wiring things, you might be able to do it yourself.
I would buy a higher quality thermostat from Home Depot or somewhere like that. However, if the Trane thermostat is alot more expensive, I don't think you will have any advantage by getting it.
Reply:programmable t-stats are relatively the same. meaning how they operate. you are going to pay more for bigger brand names, i.e. trane, honeywell, white-rodgers, robert-shaw. pick the one that best suits your needs, i.e. what it does (programs), ease of set-up, value, price.
save all the paperwork so that it will be easier to re-program or to change the settings.
Reply:yep that way its compatable,
Reply:Mine cost $100 bucks but it is very accurate. I bought a $50 one that worked pretty well. The main thing is to make sure that it is compatible with the unit you have. Otherwise, you will just be wasting money.
Reply:No, there really are no advantages to purchasing the thermostat same brand as ac. The disadvantages are that with Trane you are paying for the name. The best thing to do is decide what features you want then shop for the best value. For more info including brand rankings and a diy guide to thermostat replacement, check out the thermostat page at my source.
Reply:I have a threeTrane units but none of them have a Trane thermostat. In fact all three have different manufacturers.
When you buy one, be sure and save the packaging and instructions so if it turns out to be not compatible, you can return it for a refund.
Reply:You'll definitely save money with the programmable thermostat. I installed several last year and they keep the heat levels in the house at perfect temperatures. Most manufacturer'ers are interchangeable and it's not necessary to buy the Trane.
Programmable thermostat-- should i purchase one built by the same company that my a/c is?
I am not an expert in this field, but I have recently replaced my thermostat and can give a little advice. When I changed thermostats I did some research and realized that basically all of them are interchangeable. Most likely the wiring that you are going to have to plug the new thermostat in to is not going to relate to your new Trane AC system anyway. They probably just hooked the new AC system up to your old electrical wiring. So when you put the new thermostat in, you are gonna need to get someone that knows what they are doing to make sure its wired properly. If you are very patient and have some skill in wiring things, you might be able to do it yourself.
I would buy a higher quality thermostat from Home Depot or somewhere like that. However, if the Trane thermostat is alot more expensive, I don't think you will have any advantage by getting it.
Reply:programmable t-stats are relatively the same. meaning how they operate. you are going to pay more for bigger brand names, i.e. trane, honeywell, white-rodgers, robert-shaw. pick the one that best suits your needs, i.e. what it does (programs), ease of set-up, value, price.
save all the paperwork so that it will be easier to re-program or to change the settings.
Reply:yep that way its compatable,
Reply:Mine cost $100 bucks but it is very accurate. I bought a $50 one that worked pretty well. The main thing is to make sure that it is compatible with the unit you have. Otherwise, you will just be wasting money.
Reply:No, there really are no advantages to purchasing the thermostat same brand as ac. The disadvantages are that with Trane you are paying for the name. The best thing to do is decide what features you want then shop for the best value. For more info including brand rankings and a diy guide to thermostat replacement, check out the thermostat page at my source.
Reply:I have a threeTrane units but none of them have a Trane thermostat. In fact all three have different manufacturers.
When you buy one, be sure and save the packaging and instructions so if it turns out to be not compatible, you can return it for a refund.
Reply:You'll definitely save money with the programmable thermostat. I installed several last year and they keep the heat levels in the house at perfect temperatures. Most manufacturer'ers are interchangeable and it's not necessary to buy the Trane.
What type of tax returns are required for a non-profit corporation that doesn't have 501(c)(3) status?
To limit liability, I have suggested that a group with which I am involved register with the state as a non-profit corporation. Going through the complications of 501(c)(3) status isn't important for us. We don't have employees, or any assets other than, potentially, a bank account. The main objection is that we would have to file a tax return. I doubt this would be terribly involved. I can't get an answer on what type of tax return we would need to use. Would we use one for a regular corporate tax return since we're not a 501(c)(3)? How complicated are these returns? We probably bring in $5,000 or less per year from donations and fundraisers.
What type of tax returns are required for a non-profit corporation that doesn't have 501(c)(3) status?
Do your donors know that they aren't contributing to a 501(c)(3)? They can't deduct their charitable contributions to you on their tax returns.
Organizations with gross receipts less than $25,000 annually are not required to file an annual return. But that only applies if you ARE a 501(c)(3). Maybe you should check into that tax exempt status.
I think the Form 990 is used.
Better to file a Form 990 to cover all the bases whether the organization is 501(c)(3) or not.
Reply:Form 990-EZ
Reply:There are organizations that are not 501(c)(3) who use a 990, but according to the instructions on irs.gov, it's for organizations exempt from income tax and that doesn't sound like what you are. I'm not sure from your description where the "non-profit" designation comes from, or if you're just a regular corporation.
I'd suggest that you call the IRS, describe your organization, and ask them what needs to be filed.
What type of tax returns are required for a non-profit corporation that doesn't have 501(c)(3) status?
Do your donors know that they aren't contributing to a 501(c)(3)? They can't deduct their charitable contributions to you on their tax returns.
Organizations with gross receipts less than $25,000 annually are not required to file an annual return. But that only applies if you ARE a 501(c)(3). Maybe you should check into that tax exempt status.
I think the Form 990 is used.
Better to file a Form 990 to cover all the bases whether the organization is 501(c)(3) or not.
Reply:Form 990-EZ
Reply:There are organizations that are not 501(c)(3) who use a 990, but according to the instructions on irs.gov, it's for organizations exempt from income tax and that doesn't sound like what you are. I'm not sure from your description where the "non-profit" designation comes from, or if you're just a regular corporation.
I'd suggest that you call the IRS, describe your organization, and ask them what needs to be filed.
How can I be sure my doctor will not tie my tubes during my c section?
This may sound paranoid but I have read stories where women did not consent to tubal ligation and found out later that this procedure was forced on them during a c section. Is there anyway I would know that this was done to me?
How can I be sure my doctor will not tie my tubes during my c section?
If a doctor did this, he would be sued, and he would lose his license. It would not make any sense. You could try delivering in a Baptist hospital like me.... I had to sign a consent for 3 months in advance, see a counselor, sign another consent form when I went into labor.... and then they still didn't even want to do the tubal ligation (I guess sterilization is against their beliefs).
Reply:Are you in the United States?
I personally wouldn't worry about it - if you are, find another doctor you can trust. Or a better preventative measure would be to have natural childbirth and forget the c-section. (It's not as bad as women think - I've done it, with and WITHOUT drugs!)
But as much as doctors are sued, and how much it costs for the to have malpractice insurance, I doubt they would intentionally do that to you. Because they could be sued for millions, lose their license, their work and their life.
I don't know of a single doctor who would risk that to give a woman a tubal ligation.
Reply:You have to be informed about a procedure and then give written consent for it to be performed. The doctor typically provides the information, you sign the consent and the nurse witnesses that the patient was well informed. Without this informed consent no surgery should take place - that would be not only unethical but illegal.
To do a tubal ligation (tie tubes) more than the doctor would have to be involved. The nurse would need to put the tubes in containers for pathology, the scrub tech would need to prep the OR for the tubal, etc. If you are worried about this, you can pay attention to what is being said and done during your c-section. The doctor or the scrub tech will say they have the left tube and the nurse comes and collects it, and then again for the right. It's not something they can do in secret without you knowing unless you are asleep for the procedure.
Hope this helps.
Reply:In America, a surgeon can perform a surgery without your consent if three things are in place: 1-your life is in present danger and you are unconscious/unable to give consent, 2-they have tried and failed to contact next of kin and #1 is still true, 3-informed consent has occurred.
Informed consent (i.e. patient has been given a reasonably complete list of possible consequences of surgery) should always take place prior to the surgery. It is at this time that you should make the surgeon/doctor aware that under no circumstances do you want your tubes tied. For legal protection, the hospital will probably require you to sign a form stating your wish. This will be honored as long as the above three conditions have been met. This is to protect the hospital and doctor from litigation in the event of your death.
Reply:just trust him
Reply:i don't think there is a way you can know if your doctor has done this to you or not when your laying there on that table. all you have to do is hope that you have a good doctor and make sure someone is there with you in the room. at some hospitals they let the person in there with you watch whats going on and in other hospitals they don't let you watch nothing and they make you sit behind the blind thing. i had a c section and i have faith in my doctor, and he told me that iam still Young and i need to have more kids,than just this one, so there for i know that he hasn't tide my tubes.(we i hope). good luck
Reply:it is illegal to tie your tubes without your consent any procedure you have you have to fill out a written consent. Why are you sooo paranoid??
Reply:he cannot perform a surgery without your consent otherwise he will be responsible and can be sued
Reply:A doctor can not preform any surgery on you without writen consent. Period.
How can I be sure my doctor will not tie my tubes during my c section?
If a doctor did this, he would be sued, and he would lose his license. It would not make any sense. You could try delivering in a Baptist hospital like me.... I had to sign a consent for 3 months in advance, see a counselor, sign another consent form when I went into labor.... and then they still didn't even want to do the tubal ligation (I guess sterilization is against their beliefs).
Reply:Are you in the United States?
I personally wouldn't worry about it - if you are, find another doctor you can trust. Or a better preventative measure would be to have natural childbirth and forget the c-section. (It's not as bad as women think - I've done it, with and WITHOUT drugs!)
But as much as doctors are sued, and how much it costs for the to have malpractice insurance, I doubt they would intentionally do that to you. Because they could be sued for millions, lose their license, their work and their life.
I don't know of a single doctor who would risk that to give a woman a tubal ligation.
Reply:You have to be informed about a procedure and then give written consent for it to be performed. The doctor typically provides the information, you sign the consent and the nurse witnesses that the patient was well informed. Without this informed consent no surgery should take place - that would be not only unethical but illegal.
To do a tubal ligation (tie tubes) more than the doctor would have to be involved. The nurse would need to put the tubes in containers for pathology, the scrub tech would need to prep the OR for the tubal, etc. If you are worried about this, you can pay attention to what is being said and done during your c-section. The doctor or the scrub tech will say they have the left tube and the nurse comes and collects it, and then again for the right. It's not something they can do in secret without you knowing unless you are asleep for the procedure.
Hope this helps.
Reply:In America, a surgeon can perform a surgery without your consent if three things are in place: 1-your life is in present danger and you are unconscious/unable to give consent, 2-they have tried and failed to contact next of kin and #1 is still true, 3-informed consent has occurred.
Informed consent (i.e. patient has been given a reasonably complete list of possible consequences of surgery) should always take place prior to the surgery. It is at this time that you should make the surgeon/doctor aware that under no circumstances do you want your tubes tied. For legal protection, the hospital will probably require you to sign a form stating your wish. This will be honored as long as the above three conditions have been met. This is to protect the hospital and doctor from litigation in the event of your death.
Reply:just trust him
Reply:i don't think there is a way you can know if your doctor has done this to you or not when your laying there on that table. all you have to do is hope that you have a good doctor and make sure someone is there with you in the room. at some hospitals they let the person in there with you watch whats going on and in other hospitals they don't let you watch nothing and they make you sit behind the blind thing. i had a c section and i have faith in my doctor, and he told me that iam still Young and i need to have more kids,than just this one, so there for i know that he hasn't tide my tubes.(we i hope). good luck
Reply:it is illegal to tie your tubes without your consent any procedure you have you have to fill out a written consent. Why are you sooo paranoid??
Reply:he cannot perform a surgery without your consent otherwise he will be responsible and can be sued
Reply:A doctor can not preform any surgery on you without writen consent. Period.
What do iodine solution and vitamin C have anything to do with each to do with each other? its for my project?
plz help! this is for my science fair project and i rlly rlly need to knw because the project says that when vitamin C is added into the iodine solution mixed with distilled water and cornstarch, it is supposed to turn lighter in color (which was indigo/blue) can someone plz tell me why is that?
What do iodine solution and vitamin C have anything to do with each to do with each other? its for my project?
you can determine the amount of vitamin c in a solution by titrating it with and iodide solution. once iodide has reacted with all of the available vitamin c it will react with the cornstarch and produce a color change letting you know that all of the vitamin c has reacted. check the reference link for more information. good luck.
tomato plants
What do iodine solution and vitamin C have anything to do with each to do with each other? its for my project?
you can determine the amount of vitamin c in a solution by titrating it with and iodide solution. once iodide has reacted with all of the available vitamin c it will react with the cornstarch and produce a color change letting you know that all of the vitamin c has reacted. check the reference link for more information. good luck.
tomato plants
How do I prevent a c-section from occuring when a baby is bridged or if the baby is sitting down in the womb?
My sister has had two children and she is expecting another one. She had to go through a c-section because her second child was bridged.
How do I prevent a c-section from occuring when a baby is bridged or if the baby is sitting down in the womb?
Do you mean BREECHED?
Usually if the baby is breech, they can attempt to turn the baby around, which if you're really trying to avoid a c-section, then it might be the right option for you. But it's not for everyone, as it doesn't always work and it can be very painful.
However, just because your sister had a breech baby, doesn't mean you will, it doesn't run in families.
Reply:do you mean BREECH? breech means right side up, the proper way is head down. C Section is the safest was for baby and mother to be safe during delivery so they almost always deliver them by c section. Just because her first was breech does not mean this one will be too. She may be able to have a vaginal delivery:)
Reply:there are things that you can do it home put your elbows on the ground and lean down with your knees on the ground and stay that way for about 10-15 mins a couples times a day or you can lay down and stick a couple pillows under your back with your butt elevated for a while a couple times a day..... that is what my midwife told me to do and it worked.... good luck
Reply:I'm assuming you mean the baby is breech (bottom down instead of head). There is a proceedure where the doctor can try to rotate the baby by pressing on the mothers belly however it is painful and isn't always sucessful. It's really up to the doctor whether she thinks it will work but your sister can always ask.
Reply:My baby is breech and we are hoping it will turn in time. Just because she had one baby breech does not mean that her next one will be. If it is though, she can have another c-section or have the baby turned (as an above poster said, this is painful and not always successful).
If the baby is in frank breech (the butt is towards the birth canal with the body folded in half and feet towards the head) it is possible to deliver the baby through vaginal delivery, although many doctors won't because it carries a very high risk. This type of delivery is hard on both the mother and the baby (at least that's what I understand).
There are two other types of breech as well, footling breech and complete breech. Footling breech is when the baby is feet first. Complete breech is when the butt is towards the birth canal with the legs folded so the feet are by the butt.
Both of these are generally delivered by cesarean delivery.
There are some homeopathic remedies that can be used to try to get the baby to turn. Exercises done on the hands and knees with the pelvis elevated can help. As can laying on the stomach with the hips lifted, this is best done when the baby is active.
Reply:the doc can try to reposition the baby before birth
Reply:I dont think there is anything u can do humanly to prevent a c-section, for a bridgeed baby at 36wks.let your .obst.decide whats best for u. For now just pray and trust God.
best of luck
How do I prevent a c-section from occuring when a baby is bridged or if the baby is sitting down in the womb?
Do you mean BREECHED?
Usually if the baby is breech, they can attempt to turn the baby around, which if you're really trying to avoid a c-section, then it might be the right option for you. But it's not for everyone, as it doesn't always work and it can be very painful.
However, just because your sister had a breech baby, doesn't mean you will, it doesn't run in families.
Reply:do you mean BREECH? breech means right side up, the proper way is head down. C Section is the safest was for baby and mother to be safe during delivery so they almost always deliver them by c section. Just because her first was breech does not mean this one will be too. She may be able to have a vaginal delivery:)
Reply:there are things that you can do it home put your elbows on the ground and lean down with your knees on the ground and stay that way for about 10-15 mins a couples times a day or you can lay down and stick a couple pillows under your back with your butt elevated for a while a couple times a day..... that is what my midwife told me to do and it worked.... good luck
Reply:I'm assuming you mean the baby is breech (bottom down instead of head). There is a proceedure where the doctor can try to rotate the baby by pressing on the mothers belly however it is painful and isn't always sucessful. It's really up to the doctor whether she thinks it will work but your sister can always ask.
Reply:My baby is breech and we are hoping it will turn in time. Just because she had one baby breech does not mean that her next one will be. If it is though, she can have another c-section or have the baby turned (as an above poster said, this is painful and not always successful).
If the baby is in frank breech (the butt is towards the birth canal with the body folded in half and feet towards the head) it is possible to deliver the baby through vaginal delivery, although many doctors won't because it carries a very high risk. This type of delivery is hard on both the mother and the baby (at least that's what I understand).
There are two other types of breech as well, footling breech and complete breech. Footling breech is when the baby is feet first. Complete breech is when the butt is towards the birth canal with the legs folded so the feet are by the butt.
Both of these are generally delivered by cesarean delivery.
There are some homeopathic remedies that can be used to try to get the baby to turn. Exercises done on the hands and knees with the pelvis elevated can help. As can laying on the stomach with the hips lifted, this is best done when the baby is active.
Reply:the doc can try to reposition the baby before birth
Reply:I dont think there is anything u can do humanly to prevent a c-section, for a bridgeed baby at 36wks.let your .obst.decide whats best for u. For now just pray and trust God.
best of luck
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